A Study Into The Impact Of Recent Recessionary Trends On The Distribution Of Foreign Direct Investment In Uk

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A Study into the Impact of Recent Recessionary Trends on the Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in UK



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- Project Proposal -

Dear Student,

A supervisor cannot and must not decide what you are going to examine. It is your project and therefore, your responsibility to tell your supervisor which area you are going to investigate and give reasons why you have chosen the area. Your supervisor cannot lead you in anyway because this is your project and your problem identification skills need to be assessed. S/he can merely support and guide you to conduct your project successfully. Please answer the questions below before the first or second meeting at the most. Attempt to answer all the questions as fully as possible.

1.Which areas do you want to research or are you interested in? e.g., Service Management, HRM, Marketing, etc

The area of my research is macro economics, and the topic is, a study into the impact of recent recessionary trends on the distribution of foreign direct investment in UK. I am doing research on this topic because it has the strong relation with economic stability of the country. Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows have stagnated in past years in Europe due to recent economic recession. The global crisis has consequences in this area too. The uncertainty brought about by the economic crisis has temporarily changed the priorities of investors who are now giving preference to more traditional markets. Leaders of the world economy today especially heart to let the crisis and to maximize their return on existing assets. Although the entry into new markets offers tremendous opportunities, it is also accompanied by increased risks. Europe is seen as predictable and safe. Local investors today are also more loyal towards their country of origin and traditional markets, they prefer to stay home rather than invest abroad. According to some analyst, the Central and Eastern Europe will be in the next three years the region most attractive for direct investment from abroad. In this study we will analyze the impact of the impact of recent recessionary trends on the distribution of foreign direct investment in UK.

2. List about 10 academic sources that you identified for your literature review (e.g. specialised books -not textbooks- and academic journals).

Benigno, P., (2004). Optimal monetary policy in a currency area. Journal of International Economics 63 (2), 293-320.

Bernard, A.B., Jensen, J.B., (2006). Exceptional exporter performance: cause, effect or both? ...
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