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In this study we try to explore the concept of “America” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “America” and its relation with “the world”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “America” and tries to gauge its effect on “the world”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “America” and tries to describe the overall effect of “America” on “the world”.

United States of America


The basic purpose and understanding of this paper shall be to maintain key focus upon the American flag and what does this piece of cloth signify.

Discussion and Analysis

America, more formally labeled as the United States of America, has been one of the most influential countries to have ever existed on the map of the world. The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources, a well-developed infrastructure, and high productivity.


America was discovered by Sir Christopher Columbus in the year 1492, when he accidently voyaged in the wrong direction. Destiny did not know that how far this piece of land would flourish in order to become the most powerful nation we see today.

Analysis of the Flag

The basic purpose of this paper is to highlight the designs, cuts, shapes, color and the overall impact the drawing of the American flag has maintained on everybody else.

The Stars

The Stars that are visible in this drawing imply and reflect the fifty states that constitute the whole of America as we see today. The small box, generally referred to as the 'Union', has been specifically placed to make others aware of the unity and bond the provinces and the federal government (Rosenblatt, 193-237).

The Horizontal Stripes

The thirteen (13) horizontal stripes that we see in the picture that has been made displays and portrays the original thirteen (13) colonies that had repelled against the monarchy of the British and had came into existence as a separate independent sovereign state for the globe itself.


Three distinct and primary colors - red, blue and white - have been used in the context of the creation of this flag in order to show that all basic requirement are being fulfilled while residing and living the country.

Old Glory Red

The color red although symbolizes danger and hate in the literal context, but with the richness of the color given in the drawings and meanings that have been defined imply that the country has enough resources to fulfill in itself any deficiency or any lacking if it may occur

Old Glory Blue

The shade of blue used in this context of the flag has been used to show that although the country has faced great turmoil in the past and even faces hindrances in today's modern world, but has the bravery and dignity to face all of it singlehandedly on its own (Smeeding, 955-983).

The White

The color white, as in all respects of any context taken has no change meaning for the flag as ...
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