Abusive Relationship

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Why do women stay in abusive Relationship?

Why do women stay in abusive Relationships?


A very common issue of domestic violence begs the question that why women stay in abusive relationships. It is a common issue which does not have one single or straightforward answer. There are several reasons why many women allow the abuse to continue. There are many aspects to this question that why those toxic relationships does not lead women to leave their home or abusive partners. (Barnett, 2000)

Barriers that prevent women from leaving


Fear of threats, fear of deportation, fear of living alone or being alone, fear no one will believe her, fear of losing children, fear of losing lifestyle, fear of harassment, fear of court system, fear of physical harm and many unknown fears. (Acevedo, 2000)


Still loves the abuser, companionship, history together, hope of improvement, affection and kindness during non violent times.

Emotional barrier

Low self-esteem, unknown guilt, self blame for the abuse, feeling unwanted by others.


Not wanting a divorce, not wanting to be a single parent, not wanting to look for someone else, not wanting to start over, not wanting to lose family, not wanting to be excluded from social functions.

Other barriers

Abusive cycle is familiar, pressure from family, preserving abusers reputation, lack of information about the rights, abuser plays game like promises, apologizes, playing mind games, threat of suicide and a lot more.

Several Reasons

The challenge to create a new self image

Many women think they're going to have to assume a whole new identity if they force a break-up in their relationship. They believe that initiating and securing a permanent separation from their relationship which seems happy means irreversibly transmogrifying from the self-sacrificing mediator they have always been, to a self-centered one they have never imagined themselves being. (Acevedo, 2000)Whether via nurture or nature, a lot of women identify themselves as Uplifting, Self-Sacrificing Healer. Their understanding of who they are is deeply vested in their fulfillment of the role of dutiful daughter, supportive mate, loving mother. They are the ones to whom others turn for comfort and counsel. They heal, support, sustain, forgive, sacrifice, reconcile. These feelings disable them to leave the relationship. (Barnett, 2000)

Fear of the Unknown

There are few things in life as paralyzing as fear of the unknown. This fear is seen in most of the women staying in abusive relationships. They believe that they are wrong at some point. They believe that if they would break the relationship, they will never going to survive in the society. Will I ever find another man? This is also the unknown fear for them.

Financial Dependency

Mostly women are engaged in household duties. This includes bearing and raising the children as well. They do not have a proper education through which they can get a job. They are not job oriented and thus, dependent on their partners or other relationships. (Acevedo, 2000) Financial dependency proved to be a big reason in making women stay in abusive relationships. The biggest problem is how to survive if they break up or leave their ...
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