Academic Presentation

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How to Give an Academic Presentation

How to Give an Academic Presentation


An academic presentation fine documented, structured and planned may be useless when it is poorly exposed. Following are the four main factors that determine the success of an academic presentation:

Presentation Pace


Personal Approach

Training and Preparation

Presentation Pace

It is important to be relevant and be in constant pace while presenting.


It is more important to give attention to the audience. It is very important to give to have one on one interaction during the presentation.

The personal approach

The characteristics

Individual speaker's have a major impact on how the submission is received. Four aspects must be considered : Body language, voice, eyes and breathing.

The Gestural

Gestures can be used to emphasize points or score an extra emphasis when necessary. However, do not repeat the same motions over twenty times in a single presentation.

The Voice

The voice is critical. The speaker must speak loudly enough to be heard. Modulation, which is the process of varying the height or level of voice, is also important. A monotone may cause the audience to doze. The monotonous voice of intensive should also be avoided because they can be tiring to listen.

Eye Contact

Eye contact is the process of looking at the audience in the eye as often as possible. It allows you to build trust, involvement and public interest. It is also important to deal with it and not to look too often at the screen. The more the public is reduced more eye contact are important.


Breathing is important because it allows you to continue to speak with a loud voice. It can also be used to cause a break, which will help to emphasize a point.


The effectiveness of the presentation should be maximized. An oral presentation is intended to send a public message but at the same time, ...
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