Administration Training Program

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Administration Training Program

Administration Training Program at a Manufacturing company


In this chapter, the data which have been collected through primary research would be analyzed. For the analysis purpose and reinforcement of several arguments, in this regards secondary data would also be used, in order to attain the aims and objectives of the study to proof whether Administrative Manufacturing company and development at Manufacturing Company increase the level of job satisfaction or not. To answer our research question by analyzing the collected and available data, graphs, images and charts will also be incorporated in this chapter for better understanding of the results. The charts will also be accompanied by description of the data and statistics. The data has been analyzed using excel spreadsheet in order to avoid any genre of confusion, though using excel spreadsheet would also be helpful in minimizing the error associated with the analysis.

Literature Review

Determining Training Needs  

Is the initial and strategic role, which involves the diagnosis of training needs of employees, establishing an inventory of needs according to factors such as technological innovation, reduction of manpower, shift work and / or sections administrative force companies stronger in the so-called retraining schemes to help find people to serve in other jobs.

The identification of training needs is a responsibility of the human resources area, which coordinates with the help of administrative units to assess and prioritize these needs. On the other hand, the organization has the responsibility to use various means, such as having the advice of specialists to facilitate a better perception of problems which were recently caused by the lack of training.

Implementation of Training

The implementation of the training program is the stage of execution of training and development plan, which specifically coordinates and prepares the development agenda of the event, using brochures or other means to disseminate the event. The implementation of training activities can be in different forms, depending on the schedule set which may include conference, seminar, movies, videos, courses, etc.

In this phase, various means of training and decisions on all aspects of the process should be considered. The issues of concerns existing here would include the planning on how to motivate staff to learning, teaching in distributed in time, ensuring the impact, which would apply, to the lessons learned and other related factors. This will depend on content, the teacher and learner's characteristics. We must reiterate the importance of the principles of learning like motivation, reinforcement, repetition, active participation and feedback. It is essential to observe the transparency of learning which is applied to work as learning, so that training is useful.

a. Analysis Method: Content, individual characteristics, skills

b. Teacher Quality: a fundamental aspect in the success of the training program

c. Apply the principles of learning:

- Motivation helps the learner

- Hardening time

- Avoid stress is negative

- Seek the participation

- Provide feedback

Adequacy of the training program to the needs of the organization

The decision to establish specific training programs should depend on the need to prepare certain employees or improve the level ...
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