Advanced Practitioner Enquiry

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Advanced Practitioner Enquiry

Table of Contents


Activity 1:3

Profession/practice area3


Theoretical/conceptual perspectives4


Methods of data collection5

Critical analysis6



Appropriateness of the methods used6

Activity 27

Worker-Researcher Position7

Non- Formal7

Activity 3:8

Project Scheme8

Inquiry Research Approach8


Rigorous and Innovative research9

Activity 410

Tool of Primary Data Collection10

Activity 510

Commentary on the Research Module10

Research-Minded approach11

Identification of the right topic of Enquiry11

Literature Review11


Tools of data collection12

Data analysis12

Results and outcomes13

Outcomes of the learning13

Development of project proposal13

Work Based Learning14




Advanced Practitioner Enquiry


In this assignment, I am going to do advanced practitioner enquiry for my research proposal. The topic, which is chose for my research is “Canine Aggression: causes and remedies”. I have identified the topic during work-based research. Since I am self employed and have to handle canine aggression during work. Therefore, this research will help me to identify the remedies which can help to control canine aggression. On the whole, following activities will serve as the basis for my research proposal.

Activity 1:

In this section, I am going to compare following inquiry research reports:

Canine Aggression Toward Familiar People: A New Look at an Old Problem

Behavioural disorders of dogs.

Profession/practice area

These reports fall under the category of animal rights and behaviour. The purpose of these reports is to identify the causes of canine aggression so that the remedies to control the aggressive behaviour of dogs can be identified.


Since the titles of the reports suggest that the purpose of the researcher is to find the root cause of the canine aggression so that people can benefit the research. The first research was published in the journal of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal practice. It was conducted by Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine. Therefore, the research is authenticated and reliable. On the other hand, the second research is published in the book, “The behavioural biology of dogs”, by Per Jensen, which specifically talks about the behavioural problems of the dogs and their treatment. Therefore, it is also a reliable source of information.

Theoretical/conceptual perspectives

Canine Aggression is the aggression shown by animals with their body language and behaviour. Canine aggression is an important issue faced by people in their daily lives. Therefore, it is important to find the solution of this problem. According to the first enquiry research, canine aggression is caused due to three factors which are; conflict related aggression towards the owners, neuropsychological aggression and genetic aggression. It is difficult to control the neuropsychological and genetic aggression, but, owners can control the conflict related aggression through behavioural treatment, punishment, rewards, care and love. They can also teach several exercises which can change the dog's behaviour (Reisner, 2008, p. 1107-1130).

On the other hand, the second research shows that human factors are also responsible for canine aggression. Owner should observe the body language of the dogs to understand the cues of aggressive behaviour. He has also identified the consequences of canine aggression along with the remedies to control the behaviour. The researcher has presented a reward-punishment chart for the behavioural treatment of the dogs. He has also mentioned that with the help of endocrine management, pain management, dietary management, physical aid, pheromones and environmental ...
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