Akhenaten Statue Analysis

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Akhenaten Statue Analysis

Akhenaten Statue Analysis


Akhenaten was the first pharaoh to insert the notion of monotheism, the worshipping of only one god, as are against to polytheism, the worshipping of numerous gods. The persons of Egypt had generally depicted gods in either animal or human pattern in their paintings and sculptures in alignment to assist give them a personal pattern that they could worship. However, under Akhenaten's new concepts, the only god was Aton, which was comprised with the pattern of a sun disk. Artwork furthermore altered in sync with this change in religion. The figurine of Akhenaten integrated these new alterations and the figurine itself actions like a emblem for Akhenaten's revolutionary ideas.



The figurine has numerous intriguing and characterizing characteristics. The figurine of Akhenaten is made of sandstone and is roughly 13 feet high. Upon glimpsing it for the first time, the first thing that becomes clear-cut is that one of the arms is broken off. Aside from this, the figurine has nearly flawless symmetry. Because of the place of the hands, it can be securely presumed that both arms mirrored each other (Hornung, 1999). The figurine has good balance. It does not alter much in width. The headdress is nearly two times has big as the face, and the headdress surrounds the whole face, nearly portraying like a border for it. This devotes significance and sketches aim in the direction of the face. This is important because the whole figurine, particularly the face, values numerous feminine characteristics (Montserrat, 2000). In this figurine of Akhenaten, the thighs are broad, the hips are slender, the face is elongated and slender, the lips are large, the arms and appendages are slender and long, and there are breasts. The face is furthermore significant because it is looking directly ahead. This makes any individual desire to gaze right back at it. Again, this assists to convey aim to the odd characteristics utilized in the statue (Velikovsky, 1960).

There are a restricted number of interpretations as to why the figurine of Akhenaten values these feminine characteristics. One is that Akhenaten was deformed from some disease. According to Gardner's Art through the Ages, Modern medical practitioners have endeavored to interpret his physique by a kind of illnesses. They will not acquiesce on a diagnosis, and their premise - that the figurine is an unquestionable portrayal of a personal deformity - is likely faulty. Some ...
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