Alternative Resources For Future

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Alternative Resources for Future

Alternative Resources for Future


It was only little over a century ago, when Thomas Edison used the electric current for the first time to light up a bulb. Since then our dependency on electricity has been growing increasingly. In today's technologically advanced world, almost everything we use is running on energy. The energy that we use daily comes from various different types of sources. According to an article in NY Times by James kantar, eighty-seven percent of total world's energy consumption is based on non-renewable resources and renewable resources of energy only account for thirteen percent of world's energy consumption. GILA book describes renewable resources of energy as solar, wind and geothermal power and nonrenewable resources of energy as minerals and fossil fuels like Coal, Oil and Natural gas sources. According to Global Energy Statistical Yearbook, World energy consumption has almost doubled in last twenty-three years. In 2012 total world energy consumption was 19016 terawatt hours (TWH). This is a lot of energy that is being consumed by us every year. And the consumption is increasing from time to time that is resulting in shortage of these sources.

The word nonrenewable resources it self explains the meaning of it, and we are not too far from finishing our precious nonrenewable resources that we depend upon daily. Even though these resources are formed naturally but it takes millions of years for fossil fuel or minerals to be formed, and we are depleting these natural resources at such a high rate that we are dangerously close to scrapping the bottoms. The article Global Resources Stock Check by BBC news explains that we are stretching many of our natural resources to the limit. So if we keep using our natural resources at the same increasing rate that we are currently pacing, the world will run out of natural gas in 35 years, oil in 37 years and coal in 42 years. These numbers really surprised me when I first looked at them, even though many people including myself are aware of limited natural resources issue but are unaware of the fact that this issue can directly affect us and our children.

Alternative is the Future

Alternative energy is the wider term that is used to refer energy sources that are being promoted as substitute to the ones that are commonly used. As the inventions and discoveries are taking place there are many carbon neutral sources developed and are a part of being promoted as the key substitute of energy sources for the future. There are many alternatives that have been developed such as wind power that will help in low cost, clean efficient energy developed from wind, solar energy that is the source from sun clean abundant and renewable, Biomass Energy that is developed from plants and also includes different biological materials, Geothermal Energy is gained from the major and huge source with in earth's molten core, Tidal energy created from the motion of wave and the current tides.

Participation of the Government

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