Analytical Paper

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Analytical Paper

Analytical Paper


Symbolic interactionism plays an integral role in the shaping of concept of one's self. The various theories of self given by historical sociologists have an impact on the way human beings socialize in the contemporary world of today. The society comprises of relationships which influence the way individuals behave and the way their identity is molded. The concept of self basically revolved around an individual who is reflective and active, and has the ability to make a diverse range of decisions in order to determine how it should be presented in the different social scenarios where it is required to perform (Farganis, 2007).

Thesis statement

The elements of social interactionism play a crucial role in the shaping of one's concept of self.


The term symbolic interactionism elucidates how an individual's social development is affected by his or her involvement in groups. This concept of self had been initiated in the work of George Herbert Mead who was a social philosopher, and was later on used by Herbert Blumer, who was a student of Mead, for the first time in the year 1937. Farganis (2007) stated, “Mead regarded this ability of the human being to act toward himself as the central mechanism with which the human being faces and deals with the world” (pp. 301). The approach adopted by Goffman was influenced to a great extent by the work carried out by Mead and Blumer. Goffman's early work, named the Presentation of Self in Everyday Life which was published in the year 1959, was about following the concept of symbolic interactionism explained by Mead and Blumer. The concept of self according to Goffman revolved around an individual who is reflective and active, and has the ability to make a diverse range of decisions in order to determine how it should be presented in the different social scenarios where it is required to perform.

The ability self has the ability to be creative and also has the tendency to survive against all types of adverse situations. The self develops the confidence to emerge and take a stand for itself. Goffman described the concept of self in context to social structures and developed what is known as the notion of total institutions. Apart from that, he also devised ways in strategies are developed by inmates for the purpose of circumventing their keepers. According to Goffman, all of our social actions involve a front stage and a back stage. The back stage is cannot be seen by the audience as that is where the performances make preparations for what they are going to reflect in their front stage (Farganis, 2007). An example of the actions done in the back stage selecting the props such as clothing, use of makeup, and picking aids which the performer thinks will help him in projecting his proper image at the front stage. The actors could chose to project a self that is different from their actual one by disguising themselves and taking on a different view of personality ...
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