Anatomical Features Of Human

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The Main Anatomical Features of the Human Body

The Main Anatomical Features of the Human Body

Neurons and its Functions

Neurons play a crucial role in the functioning of the body because of their presence in the brain of a human being. The human brain is the central and main organ of the human body which carries and performs of the actions performed by the human body. The neurons are present in the brains of human beings and perform various functions. The functioning of the brain is carried out by the neurons. They are responsible for influencing the thinking process of human beings, and they affect the memory and retaining process of the brain. They also regulate and influence other organs to perform their functions. Neurons have a great impact on the glands of the human beings including endocrine and exocrine glands present in the body of human beings. The structure of the neurons is like a typical nerve cell that is specialized form of cell present in the nervous system of the brain of human beings. The primary function of the nervous system is performed by the neurons and neuroglia. The function of neurons is to control and communicate the messages inside the body of the human beings (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2007).

The neuron is the basic and specialized structural and functional cell of the nervous system. They are responsible for transmitting and responding to the physical and chemical stimuli received by the body. The messages from and to the brain are transmitted through the neurons. The human brain has a tendency to regulate around ten billion neurons within the body at a time. They are so small that they can only be seen clearly using a microscope. There are several different shapes and sizes of neurons. However, the basic structure of neurons contains three main parts. The first part is the cell body which is attached to an axon and several dendrites (Brodal, 2010).

The nucleus of the neuron cell is present in the cell body. Neuron cells in the body do not reproduce themselves like other cells of the body. The nerve cells destroy after some time, and they are gone forever. The axon part of neuron carries impulses from the cell body of the neuron. Some axons can be a few millimetres in length and others may be one meter long. Sometimes the axons are covered in a fatty layer called as myelin sheath, and sometimes they are bare. The dendrites are short and branched part of neuron that accepts impulses from the axon of another neuron to the cell body. The neuron also contains synapse which is the space or junction between the dendrites of a neuron to the axon of another neuron. It helps the flow of neurotransmission through neurotransmitters chemical (Levitan & Kaczmarek, 2001).

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