Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Bar-on, Dan. Legacy of Silence: Encounters with Children of a Third Reich. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1989.

A sequence of interviews conducted with children whose fathers were involved in atrocities. Bar-on studies different aspects of denial as coping mechanisms. Children of perpetrators, upon learning about their parent's involvement, must cope with a moral meaning of a atrocity, their own anger, of course, and their natural, warm feelings for a parent. In a end, they must integrate these responses into "moral self."

The Holocaust was a systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by a Nazi regime and its collaborators. "Holocaust" is word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire." The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that a Jews, deemed "inferior," were an alien threat to a so-called German racial community.

There's one playwright represented, Joshua Sobol, whose Ghetto is presented in full. Also included are 72 poems by six poets, most notably those of Nobel Prizewinner Nelly Sachs.

Bettelheim, Bruno. "The Ignored Lessons of Anne Frank." Writing Exploratory Essays. Ed. S. W. Strong. Mt. View, CA: Mayfield, 1995. 369-79.

A psychologist and survivor, Bettelheim writes this essay to challenge a idea that a Otto Frank family's tactics for avoiding capture were heroic, or even sensible. Bettelheim criticizes a recent play based on Anne Frank's diary because Anne's horrible suffering and ultimate death in Auschwitz cannot and should not be viewed as anything other than tragic incomprehensible loss. This essay challenges typical, erroneous thinking about a Holocaust—that although it was bad, because Anne lived on through her diary and became a famous writer she always wanted to become, we can take comfort in knowing that some good things came out of a Holocaust in a end. Bettelheim rebukes us for swallowing such lie. Twenty works of art created in a Terezin concentration camp are also reproduced here. The novella, "Rosa," takes place more than thirty years later, in southern Florida, where Rosa's prime reality centers on a letters she writes to her long-dead daughter.

Bitton-Jackson, Livia. I Have Lived Thousand Years. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1997.

Simply written testimony by woman who survived Auschwitz along with her mother. Written for an audience of teenagers or young adults, it is especially useful for nonnative speakers of English, and nice change from some of a denser writing.

Based on a collection at a US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. Simply and clearly written, a text provides comprehensive historical understanding of a major turning points from a 20s through a 40s. Many photographs. Invaluable for teachers and students who cannot devote time to reading one of a major histories of a period.

The book thoroughly analyzes a process of destruction which combined factors such as European relations with Jews, a history of anti-Semitic propaganda, a Nazi's uncreative propagation of this propaganda, a machinery that made destruction possible, a roles of ordinary people and of Jews themselves in a process, and so ...
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