Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Bob Edwards. Analysis: Public relations campaign to open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. Morning Edition (NPR), 2001 Database: Newspaper Source

…According to the scribe, an oil pipeline sprints through ANWR currently, and the identical contention (ecology) was utilised to try to resist that pipeline's construction. However, the pipeline really expanded caribou numbers. Perhaps “keystone” species are not as perceptive to disturbance as has been supposed…

Brenda Norrell. House Approves Drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Indian Country Today (Rapid City, SD), 2001 Database: Newspaper Source

     …the scribe mentions that drilling would disturb certain ecologically perceptive areas. Alaska has caribou herds that move north to the ANWR cyclic, and drilling carries the risk of redirecting and possibly decreasing the herd. Sources have furthermore disclosed that other key species reside on Alaska's shoreline and could be threatened…

Hanson, Cynthia; McLaughlin, Abraham. Oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Christian Science Monitor, Vol. 87 Issue 193, 2007, p2; Database: MasterFILE Premier

…the scribe reports about the hurtful consequences of oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on the environment. Plans of Congress to open areas for oil drilling in the region; Opposition by President Bill Clinton and the Interior Department to the plans…


Justin Blum. Alaska Town Split Over Drilling in Wildlife Refuge. Washington Post, The, 2005 Database: Newspaper Source

…Substantial allowances of time and power are required for drilling (in some situations, numerous years). If we do not put the investigation and drilling structure in location now, they won't be at hand in times of crisis…

Mike Soraghan. U.S. Veterans Groups Support Drilling in Alaska Wildlife Refuge. Denver Post, The (CO), 2001 Database: Newspaper Source

…Drilling would undercut a crucial book that we may need in the future. The USA is without long-term recourse, it is reliant on foreign oil; in times of ...
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