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APA Research Paper



Vitiligo is a disease degenerative skin in which melanocytes (the cells responsible for pigmentation of the skin) die, thus failing to produce melanin (the substance that causes the skin pigmentation) in the area where death occurred Cell. Basically, it is a skin disease, a disorder of pigmentation characterized by the loss of those cells found in the top layer of skin (the epidermis), which takes the name of melanocytes. We only know that there is a family and having a close relationship with autoimmune diseases and emotional health.

The prevalence is between 0.5 and 3% of the population. Most cases begin between 10 and 30 years and presented as white spots resulting from the absence of pigment in the skin; zones are usually circular with sharp edges and with a variable length but are usually seen more frequently in the extremities ( hands and feet ), areas of extension and flexion ( knees and elbows ) and in some cases in the face or genitals . There are no differences by sex or race (Mou, 2004).

Vitiligo is not contagious, either by touch or contact of any kind, the processes that are given for its beginning are inherent in each person, so there is no danger of any infection.

What is the cause of vitiligo?

No one understands what causes this disease and could be an autoimmune disease. This kind of disease occurs when the immune scheme and strike the incorrect body parts. With vitiligo, the immune scheme may decimate melanocytes in the skin. It is furthermore likely that one or more genes boost the prospect that an individual has the disease.

Some researchers think that melanocytes decimate themselves. Others believe that a specific happening for example sunburn or emotional tension can origin vitiligo. However, has not yet been verified that these happenings origin the disease.

How are the injuries?

They are furthermore distinuished as having well-defined restricts, non-squamous, emerge on the skin and mucous membranes symmetrically, ie in the identical location in both hands, and are benign, manage not gnaw, or are contagious.

Usually starts after age 2, and occasionally may be associated to emotional or personal tension, burns, etc. Or macular lesions are acronyms or without hue in skin or mucosa, which enlarge in a rotate, whose dimensions varies from a couple of mm. in diameter, usually have a good pointed for demonstration are mostly established in districts periorificial (eyes, nose, mouth, genitals, anus, and in localities subject to common injuries (back of hands, feet, elbows, ankles, armpits and groin).

Plaques attribute of this disease are generally much more apparent in persons with darker skin. While some persons, vitiligo happens through only one or two well-defined plates, other plates of vitiligo can emerge in numerous very large components of the body. As vitiligo circulation is split up into generalized or symmetrical, and segmental or unilateral (Halder, 2009).

Who Is Affected?


In the United States, between one and two million persons have this disease. Most persons with vitiligo evolve it before age ...
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