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Animal Rights

Animal Rights


Does it matter morally whether animals suffer or live long happy lives? Do animals have moral rights? The moral status of animals has become an increasingly important topic, with the morality of hunting, scientific experimentation on animals, and eating meat particularly widely discussed. This entry first discusses the contractual view that animals have moral status and then examines several approaches to the status of animals: utilitarian, rights-based, and virtue-based. It is assumed throughout that many animals are capable of feeling pain, pleasure and suffering.


According to some moral theories, animals lack moral status. Animal pain or suffering, as such, does not matter morally unless it has some impact on creatures that do have moral status. A well-known and influential moral theory that has this implication is contractual. According to contractual, morality can be understood as a contract between rational creatures that can accept and abide by the terms of the contract. Because most (perhaps all) animals cannot make and choose to fulfill contracts, they neither possess moral responsibilities nor have moral status themselves. Eating animals, experimenting on them, even torturing them for fun is morally acceptable, considering the impact on the animals alone. (Bekoff & Jamieson, 1999)

The movement for animal rights is motivated by the belief that animals should be afforded the same rights as human beings. Historically, women have led the way on animal rights and they continue to be at the forefront of global movements for animal liberation. Early American feminists such as Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were connected to the animal-welfare movement and saw animal rights as the next step after women's civil rights. When compared to men, rates indicate that women are more likely to be animal advocates. In congruence, more women are currently vegetarians and vegans than are ...
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