Argumentative Research Paper On Stem Cell Research

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Argumentative Research paper on Stem Cell Research

There has been an ongoing debates and arguments about stem cell research over the past few years and as another year passes, the arguments seems to grow more intense. Stem cell research dates back to 1998 when the first stem cells were grown in a culture by Dr. James Thomson from the University of Wisconsin and Dr. John Gearhart of Johns Hopkins University. He and his team were the first to come up with a technique that would isolate and transfer stem cells. Complete federal funding for the research was available up until August 9, 2001 when President George W. Bush approved federal funds usage for only a few stem cell lines that already existed. According to the Congressional Research Services Chart below, the amount of government funding given for embryonic stem cell research purposes for the 1999-2005 fiscal years were limited. Clearly this shows that more funding was given for stem cell research in general than for embryonic stem cell research itself, which has yet to show any promise at all.

People on the side for embryonic stem cell research were understandably upset, as this decision would slow down the progress of embryonic research. Those against embryonic stem cell research were happy with the decision because they believed that the research was unethical and immoral.

There are two different types of stem cell research in this debate. There is adult stem cell research in which stem cells are derived from adult patients and there is the more controversial embryonic stem cell research which is derived from embryos. The argument centers more so on embryonic research than the adult research. The reason this argument exists is because there are people who believe that embryonic stem cells will one day be the miracle cure of the future and there are those who are against it and believe that it is nothing more than the murder of helpless human lives.

There have been many untruths surrounding the experiments done with embryonic stem cells. There are rumors that these cells can cure diseases which has as of yet to be proven. The research for embryonic stem cells is in its infantile stages and will not be known for years to come. Sure the benefits of embryonic stem cell research are a ways off but right here today adult stem cell research has already shown potential to cure disease. So the question is, why not set aside the research on embryonic stem cells, so that researchers can concentrate on adult stem cell research which has shown more promise? What are stem cells? According to the National Institutes of Health, Stem cells are cells with the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as sort of a repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. (National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2006).

These stem cells have been found all over the ...
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