Article: It's All About Sales By Catherine M. Dalton

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Article: It's all about sales by Catherine M. Dalton

I fully agree with the most of the views of the author of the article It's all about sales, written by Catherine M. Dalton.First of all, I agree with the notion og First Impression is important. If the first impression is bad, a relationship between two parties may be difficult. But also the last impression is as well, that relationship is sure to be terrible. Maybe the traffic is doing Lima that Peru has a terrible relationship with the rest of the world, as they did before the news about terrorism and then "talk shows" to our TV scandal.

Recently in a foreign television program presented to us as wild, due to the way we drive, and many Peruvians protested. But that's not really the image you are transmitting? The first impression of Peru that has a tourist, executive or foreign investor, leaving the airport Jorge Chavez, is that of drivers blocking intersections, getting to the right and ignoring police, traffic lights, stop signs and pedestrians. During his stay only see news of dozens of deaths in buses and vans that violate desbarrancados pedestrians (situations also strive to show our news) Would you believe that in the bombardment of savagery makes you want them to call their friends to tell the beauty of our landscapes and our good food?

Try and ask the reader to any foreigner what is your worst feature or otherwise what is it that gives you more afraid of our country? Surely the answer will be "traffic management and our way." That would be anecdotal if it had major consequences for our image. But how could they believe that we can make good products or services, if we are so disciplined or disrespectful to ourselves? How could anyone believe that in a country as chaotic your investment is safe?

Worse still, to leave the country foreigners must go through Lima, which the last image carried in Peru is the chaotic traffic of the city. Bad first and last impression that we won all traffic through the Lima Peru. What is not so important? Think about it you sir reader would you trust your business to one of those fanatics with drivers who pass every day going to work?

When you meet someone new the first moments are crucial. To say what the other person expects to hear, do you expect to see and meet their expectations will be almost essential to first contact that arises in a relationship. And it is only in the hands of intelligent people do not get carried away by first impressions ( prejudice ).

An intelligent person prefer to see not one but ten, thirty, a hundred, or five hundred impressions. For example, an intelligent person says little stupid, but says. If we are present at the time and label it and stop listening to stupid we have lost the opportunity to interact with someone who can provide new insights and lots of information.

To check this long ago ...