Asch Experiment

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Asch Experiment

Asch Experiment about (Impression formation and Approach)


How we perceive people and what impression we form about them from that perception is a very important issue, since we spent much time thinking about the people around us, not just those we know face to face but also in other on which we have spoken and we know through the media. Asch experiment is one of the most famous psychological experiment (actually a series of experiments), conducted by Solomon Asch in 1955 and for conformity, and specifically one of its variants - a normative conformism. Researchers have wondered what conformism are motivated by conformist behavior broadly defined: We detected two major motives for these behaviors: desire to be right (see the opportunism information) and anxiety, which is the theme of normative conformity. In this research, paper we will discuss the research done by Asch. We will discuss his method in experiment and detail explanation. In addition to that we will discuss the conclusion and results derived from it.


The Solomon Asch's famous article “Forming impressions of personality” has identified two core problems. First, when in the AF, the observer must somehow cope with the fact that often-nuclear explosion are simple heterogeneous set of facts about other people. The second problem is the exact knowledge of what kind of impression arises from the observer. As a researcher, we need to begin to measure such an intricate, and also amorphous for the phenomenon of an impression.

The Asch conformity experiments were a series of experiments in the framework of normative social influence within the social psychology which showed how the view of people is determined by the majority in a group ( compliance ). The experiments in the fifties of the last century by the American psychologist Solomon Asch. Asch had subjects judge line segments of different lengths. Anyone can view the differences between the line segments (see figure) in the Asch experiment, for example, 6 role players at one of the contracts say that a line segment as large as segment A.

The subjects believed that the role players serious about their answer. One third of the contracts agreed with the subjects in the majority opinion, while three-quarters of subjects in a command with the majority opinion went. Those who conformed did so either because they did not seem to wake up to think differently. But many of those who remained in their right mind, mentioned at the end of the experiment that they were under pressure. (JP van Oudenhoven, Group Dynamics). The experiment is repeated many times and the result is almost always the same. It has since the original experiment a decrease in the 50 to see the degree of conformity.


Example: the left line is the reference line and the three lines are straight lines for comparison.

Solomon Asch asked a group of students (between 7 and 9) 17 to 25 years participating in an alleged vision test which had previously been subject of control subjects who had no trouble to always give the right answer. All participants were complicit with the experimenter, except one. The experiment was to observe how the student ...
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