Assessing Reliability And Validity

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Assessing Reliability and Validity

Executive Summary

In an effort to ensure the ongoing quality of its programs and products, True Colors has conducted exploratory reliability and validity research. From 1998 through 2002, certain aspects of True Colors underwent the rigors of reliability and validity testing. The reliability and validity studies involved 416 participants and included individuals participating in True Colors Awareness Workshops or Level I Certification Training, as well as two (2) Psychology 100 college student groups. The participants represented a wide range of occupations, ranging from employees of public and private institutions, for profit and not-for profit organizations; had varied educational backgrounds, including individuals with and without post-secondary education; and were from all organizational levels. The True Colors' Word Cluster proved to be highly reliable (.94) using a test-retest research format, leading to the conclusion that this assessment is understood in the same way each time it is administered, is appropriate to its intended audiences, is relatively free from measurement error, and has a high degree of overall usefulness. True Colors showed significant content validity when measured against the MBTI and the DISC. With the exception of one dimension—the relationship between the DISC's Dominance type and True Colors' Orange type, all dimensions compared showed statistically significant content validity at the .05 confidence level. Regarding construct validity, True Colors had significant construct validity when measured with key temperament theory concepts. The ten (10) concepts identified as underlying the True Colors program, assessments and products were judged as highly accurate by study participants in predicting and assessing behavioral characteristics and preferences. In conclusion, True Colors showed considerable merit in precisely assessing and defining psychological types and temperament theory. As the culminating assessment tool of the True Colors processes and products, the Word Cluster proved to be highly successful in helping individuals determine their temperament types and personality preferences.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary1

Assessing Reliability and Validity3


Purpose of Analyzing Measurement Instruments4

New Measurement Instrument for Sports6

Reliability and Validity7



Assessing Reliability and Validity


Various sports accessories help in assessing sports development. Track your advancement with assessing devices for example pedometers that can enhance your teaching and assist advance your endurance and other presentation factors.  Instruments that assess development permit you to pathway your advancement and advance components for example pace and calories burned. Tracking your advancement is essential to double-check you are employed out past your solace grade and producing improvements to become a more powerful athlete.

The estimation of personal undertaking is centered to our comprehending of personal undertaking occurrence, as well as the effectiveness of interventions to change personal undertaking levels. Identifying an befitting estimation device is a key main concern for principle manufacturers involved in community surveillance and for practitioners involved in events evaluation and research.

Self-report assesses of personal undertaking, for example questionnaires, stay well liked because of their proficiency to arrest facts and numbers from a large number of persons at reduced cost.2 Questionnaires alter substantially in periods of the minutia of data that they assemble and the way in which personal undertaking ...
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