Assessment Assignment

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Assessment Assignment

Assessment Assignment

Part A: Critique of the Questionnaire

A questionnaire instrument was developed to gain an understanding into the concept of this questionnaire that has been used by the “Management Sciences Institute” within the UK. The aim of the survey is to assist in the preparation of the professional body's conference, magazines and journals and advertisements for posts for organisations requiring Management Science professionals in 2009/10. It is also the intention of the Institute to conduct an analysis of the members' salary profile, identifying key personal indicators of salary so as to inform the advertising provision of the Institute and its professional magazine. The questionnaire was focused on the measurement of satisfaction, experience? and ease/unease in the use of Banks with CRM by Customers.

As this study aims to gain an understanding into the concept of CRM in Banks ? the survey questionnaire method was deemed more appropriate for quantitative approach of this study as compare to other methods. Therefore? survey questionnaires were used to analyse the concept of CRM in Banks. So the quantitative approach of this study was based on questionnaire investigation. A questionnaire is essentially a data capture instrument. It lists all the questions to which the researcher wants the respondents to answer? and it records the response of participants. We recognise two main purposes of questionnaires: 1) to draw accurate information from the respondent; 2) the questionnaire is to provide a standard format on which facts? comments and attitudes can be recorded. Survey research is the method of gathering data from respondents thought to be representative of some population? using an instrument composed of closed structure or open-ended items (questions). It is one of the most dominant forms of data collection in the social sciences? providing for efficient collection of data over broad populations? amenable to self-administration? administration in person? by telephone? via mail and over the Internet.

There are many advantages that have been identified in the use of the survey method. According to Babbie (2001)? these advantages include: 1) one can collect a large amount of data in a fairly short time; 2) surveys are easier and less expensive than other forms of data collection; 3) questionnaires can be used to research almost any aspect of human perceptions regarding the variables under study; 4) they can be easily used in field settings.

Questionnaires are a useful research tool when a large samples or even a population need to be surveyed. This is because each person is asked to respond to the same set of questions? this provides an efficient way of collecting responses from a large sample. Other advantages of questionnaires are that they require less skill and sensitivity to administer than interviews and they reduce the possibility of interviewer bias.

The survey instrument consisted of different format of questions (Open? Closed? Dichotomous and Multiple choice questions). Open format questions are those that ask for unprompted opinions. In other words? there is no predetermined set of responses? and the participant is free to answer however he ...
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