Assignment Tasks

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Assignment Tasks

Assignment Tasks


This case is based on construction for further accommodation is required for teaching facilities to the rear of the new Business School at the Docklands Campus. For this purpose there is a requirement of construction of a four storey steel framed building with basement car park to be built next to the existing building? And this new building will be linked to the existing business school by construction of a permanent bridge at first floor level. The basement car is accessed by a sloping amp & side walls adjacent to the knowledge dock. Now for this purpose the case of project has been divided into three tasks in this paper. Task one Describes the information required to carry out a site survey and soil investigation for this project. And explain clearly the hazards associated with building on 'Brownfield' sites and the best and most economic method for dealing with the contaminants that are present.

Task two prepares a detailed plan for project compound area and indicates areas for storage of materials, plant, site huts, parking, welfare areas, temporary access and compound facilities. Explain clearly the rationale for the layout and how it will assist the efficiency of carrying out the contract programme. While the task three prepares an illustrated report introduction, discussion and conclusion for your Director for the design and construction of the basement car park, the access ramp and construction of Access Bridge.

Additional site traffic is required for the delivery of tools, temporary site huts, excavators, substation equipment, fencing, geotextile etc. In total additional site traffic would require approximately 100 lorry movements.

Discussion Task One

When the majority of soil investigation methods concentrate on the characterization of the soil in terms of soil-structure interactions or structural risk evaluation, too little attention is paid to the engineering geological factors influencing the choice of the construction methods. Typical cases are presented to illustrate this point. These are selected in fields such as dewatering and temporary slopes stability. Before the construction of a major project, a site investigation is - or should be quite common.

Site Survey and Soil Investigation For This Project

Short term and long-term impact of the project on the watertable is too often disregarded. Collection of hydrogeological data on the subsoil in the vicinity of the project is most important. Data about the level of the water table and most of all, about the natural variations of the water table with the seasons should always be available.

It is common practise for the Engineer to prescribe that the construction of a project has to be carried out in perfectly dry conditions. Doing so, he implicitly prescribes some form of dewatering. Impact of the dewatering on the water table is then a direct consequence of the prescribed construction method and should be properly appreciated at the preliminary design stage. Where and when recharge wells are necessary should be described and be included in tender program.

If a project intersects the ground water flow, a barrier effect is bound ...
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