Audience Analysis

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Audience Analysis

Audience Analysis

What are audience characteristics you need to consider?

Managers' background on the subject issue is high. They need to understand effects on persons and earnings and they are searching the expert judgment of the speaker. They are more worried with functional matters. Sales people background on the subject is also good. They need to understand the details of the sales information report in order to advance their sales. Customers vary when it arrives to age, occupation, earnings, education and interests. However, they are going to be worried with how the product or service in the sales data report is doing in the market. More sales means that the product must be good and worth giving a try; they would also want to know the strengths and the weaknesses of the product which affects the results of the sales report (Wagner, 2007).

The biases and the sensitivities of the customers must also be considered as there might be customers who have problems with the product or favor other alike products and so they might open up throughout the report. In this case, the speaker must be ready to answer all the questions that are going to be asked (Locker, Kienzler, 2008). Also to be considered are the technical abilities of the customers, are they familiar with the procedure of presentation? What about their dialect skills? Will my favoured language throughout the presentation be applicable to them? Consider also the cultural customs and traditions during the reporting and any adjustments that can be done about them (Floreak, 2008).

What communication channels would be appropriate and why?

The necessary connection procedure engages the correspondent who puts a note in periods and broadcasts it to a recipient who converts the note. The communication channel is the medium that the correspondent selects to broadcast the note. There are many different types of communication channels and they are ranked along a continuum of richness, where those considered as extremely loaded channels are those that handle several natural signs concurrently such as those using several senses, nonverbal indication and response. A head to head or in-person meeting is considered extremely rich (Bosley, 2004).

The following communication channels are going to be good for the in-person meeting on sales information:

1. Face-to-face meetings are considered the best because absolute use of all senses and permanent responses are allowed. Whenever there are non routine business activities such as evaluating markets and company strategy, planning new products, bargaining with issues, and unravel or resolving tribulations, meetings are the most effective channel of communication. In person meetings also present a synergistic outcome that always progress the conclusion of the procedures of the team or organization. The collaboration efforts are regularly worth the moment and expenditure of using this kind of guide.

2. E-mail messages deliver the information fast and efficiently. It is good to be used primarily in routine contexts such as sending a memorandum to inform the managers, sales people, and the customers of the meeting that is going ...
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