Bandura And Social Cognitive Theory


Bandura and Social Cognitive Theory


This research paper entails the detailed research on Albert Bandura and his contributions to the field of psychology. It presents the researches, ad findings made by Albert Bandura along with the significant explanation Social Cognitive Theory, its major components, dysfunctional behaviors, critiques and humanity concepts.Table of Content




Contribution of Albert Bandura to Psychology3

Social Learning Theory3


Social Cognitive Theory4


Moral Agency5

Social Cognitive Theory5

Triadic Reciprocal Determinism6

Observational Learning9


Dysfunctional Behavior12


Humanity Concept13



Bandura and Social Cognitive Theory


Albert Bandura, a psychologist born on 4th December 1925, in Mundare, Alberta, Canada, the David Star Jordan Professor Emeritus of Social Science of Psychology at Stanford University. Since six decades, Bandura has made his contribution in the fields of psychology, which includes social cognitive theory, personality psychology, and social cognitive therapy. Bandura has lead influence in the evolution between cognitive psychology and behaviorism. Bandura is known as the founder of social learning theory and self efficacy theory and has been accountable for the 1961 Bobo doll experiment. The research by Bandura has led to the innovative therapies regarding behavior modification based on observational learning. His search and contributions were not limited to the laboratory instead he has made theories that are constructive and practiced in diversified fields like medicine, education along with cultural and cross cultural understanding (

In 1974, Bandura was made president of American Psychological Association and in 1981 was made president of Western Psychological Association. Bandura due to his word has received many awards, which includes American Psychological Associations Distinguished Scientific Contribution awards received in 1980, in 2004 received and awards for the American Psychological Associations Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Psychology. In 2002, a survey was conducted were, Bandura was ranked fourth amongst the most frequent cited psychologist behind Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner and Jean Piaget (Pajares, 2004).


Contribution of Albert Bandura to Psychology

Bandura by his work is considered to be the part or cognitive revolution in psychology, which initiated in 1960s. Theories of Bandura laid impact on psychotherapy, cognitive physiology, and personality psychology ( Initially the Bandura's work was directed towards motivation and social modeling, actions and thoughts. Later he engaged in aggression and social learning with Richard Walters, his first doctoral student. With their joint efforts, they presented the crucial role of modeling in behavior of human beings and initiated the program of research regarding the mechanisms and determinants of observational learning.

Social Learning Theory

During the initial phase, of the research Bandura analyzed the basis of human learning and tendency and inclination of children and adults to imitate behavior they observe, especially aggression. He came to know that according to Social Learning theory, models are a vital source for learning of new behaviors and for accomplishing behavior changes in institutionalized settings. It was posed that there are three regulatory systems for the control of behavior in Social learning theory. First, the antecedent inducements manipulate the response and the time of behavior. There should lay an appropriate relation between the performer and social context prior to the behavioral response. Second, feedback influences to a response also plays a vital function. Experiences or observations by reinforcement s will impact the possible behavior in the future...