Barriers To Education And Learning

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Barriers to Education and Learning

Barriers to Education and Learning

1. What are the strengths and weaknesses you would expect to see in students like these?

Students have difficulty learning and gaining knowledge when English for them is a second language. This is because of the multi-cultured environment that they have been exposed to and the challenges and the problems experienced by children who are of this origin.

Furthermore, beliefs instilled in these students and their perception regarding their own culture and language makes them strong anchors of their own ideologies, but rather rigid and indifferent to those that exist around them.

Finally, the kind of news and the population that has become increasingly dependent upon the blanketing code of media makes students much more aware of their individual standing. While the student mind is still a sponge and is still in the developing stages, it becomes evident that these students are becoming much more aware of their position (Finn, Gerber & Boyd-Zaharias, 2005).

2. What accommodations would you suggest your colleague make to help these students overcome their deficits without disrupting the rest of the class? What are the theoretical and pedagogical backgrounds for these?

To look at the students that maybe having problems, while the Ecuadorian has a lot of stamina, determination and command on the subject classes and that his zestful attitude stands out in front of the class, his language tends to make him underestimated with language barriers and the communication gap.

This could easily be resolved with proper English classes. It needs to be understood by this child that even though, according to his point of view, it may be sufficient to learn one language, but in the real world, one is just not enough. Multiple language are required by businesses or even if you aim to pursue higher, this ...
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