Behavior Strategies

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Behavior Strategies


The attention and care received by children during the first eight years of life and especially in the initial three years-are critical and influence the rest of their lives. Learning is not limited to children of a certain age does not depend on the existence of a structured school environment. In fact, babies learn quickly from birth. Grow and learn when they receive affection, attention and stimulation in addition to good nutrition and proper health care. Investments in the development of children through learning activities in early childhood and school readiness as well as activities related to health and nutrition increase the chances of completing primary school.

Behaviors and Strategies for the Home and School Setting

Thesis Statement

The family involvement in community child care is beneficial for children and increases the learning opportunities of the latter.


When it encourages children to play and investigate is helped to learn and advance their social and emotional development, physical and intellectual. Do not underestimate the importance of play in cognitive development. The game plays a major role with respect to the learning of children, regardless of their actual content. The game play is a powerful learning experience and multifaceted. Children's play involves exploration, experimentation with language, knowledge and development of social skills. Children learn behavior mimics the behavior of those around them. So, parents, teachers and others who care for them must have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide early childhood the best learning environment and interaction. 

Both parents and others who have dependent children should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms that indicate poor growth and development of children.

Parents, teachers and people caring for children determine the level of development of infants and children and young girls based on how they interact and play. Your participation is critical to the learning process in early childhood and to lay the foundation for future learning in school children. The larger goal of learning in early childhood is to ensure that children in disadvantaged start their education on time and are prepared to go to school from the standpoint of cognitive, social and emotional development (Bourdieu, 1977).


The Early learning for everyone today is a guide to support the didactic and Pedagogy used in early childhood settings in United States, including daycare centers, kindergartens, care provided in private residences, kindergartens, early childhood centers and other family support programs and intervention services to young children. This is a working document that will continue to evolve as and when it is used by practitioners working in early childhood settings.

The early learning accessible, to all full today, rather than replaces, the teaching and learning approaches, protocols for early detection and regulatory requirements currently in use in the worlds of early childhood United States. It is also mentoring programs that have no explicit curriculum or consistent pedagogical approach. It defines a set of skills to be acquired in terms of development and a common language that will inspire practitioners and caregivers in the work they carry out co-operatively within diverse backgrounds early childhood (Bok, 1993).

A comprehensive analysis of educational programs used to early childhood ...
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