Best Medical Device Invention In The Last 50 Years

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Best Medical Device Invention in the Last 50 Years

Best Medical Device Invention in the Last 50 Years


With the fast paced advancement in technology, medical and healthcare inventions have not left behind. As a result, many medical devices have come into medical world in order to aid the healthcare industry and to make it a more compliant and efficient (Kinney, 2004). Therefore, it cannot be denied that technology has completely transformed our life and the effect that these invented medical devices have made on human life have made them a significant mark in the medical industry. Thousands of lives have been saved as a result of modern day medical invention that is invented in the last 50 years.


Best Medical Device Invention

Considering the level of complexity in invention and implication, the best medical device invention in the last 50 years has been “Artificial Heart”. It is a non natural heart that can replace the original heart (Kolff, 2011). This artificial device can be used to be placed inside a person for time being so that heart transplantation can be performed. In addition, it can be used as a permanent replacement when there are no chances to perform heart transplantation. Robert Jarvik is widely considered as the inventor of first successful artificial heart which was implanted practically for the first time in 1982.

Historical Perspective of Artificial Heart

The number of deaths that were resulting due to heart diseases was kept on increasing. A conducted survey showed that diseases related to heart were the number one factor for deaths in the United States. As a result, cardiologists were constantly searching for ways and devices that could reduce the death rate resulting from heart diseases. A number of inventions were put forward with no possible benefit (Phillips, 2003). However, Robert Jarvik's invention of artificial heart became a successful one. In the early days of the invention, it was not implemented regularly, but after some modifications, it became a regular solution for heart diseases since 2001. Now, thousands of lives have been saved as a result of this medical invention.

Quality that Makes Artificial Heart Rank Best through Lean and Six Sigma

The quality of artificial heart meets the approaches of Lean and 6 Sigma. Lean is a way of thinking about quality; therefore, manufacturers of the device work for the purpose of consistent improvement in its quality in the smoothest, most predictable, and easiest way (Phillips, 2003). Six Sigma is a five-step process model that includes; design, measure, analyze, improve, and control. The artificial heart comply all the requirements and processes of this approach, therefore making it the best in the business for medical device industry. In addition to meeting the requirements of Lean and Six Sigma, the ability of the device to increase the life span of patients makes it a unique one. The section of people that suffer from cardiac diseases will be benefitted the most.

Comparison in Quality as Compared To Other Medical Devices

The medical device “Artificial Heart” surely serves patients and medical industry ...
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