Bible Assignment

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Bible Assignment

Bible Assignment


The book of Genesis? as found in the Old Testament of the Bible? displays the two stories of God's creation of the world and all that abide within it? most notably human beings. Without question? the story told in Genesis is a compelling one? 'the greatest story every told' as it is often called. Whilst some might perceive it as an historical event? (Charpentier 1982) a term often inappropriate for such a blend of real and legendary events? others might perceive it as the most significant narrative ever told. Most simply? the narratives reflect upon the nature of the human condition and humans' relationships with each other and with God.


The two creation stories in Genesis (Gen 1:1-2:4a and Gen 2:4b-25) differ markedly in both style and literary structure. The arrangement of the creation story in Genesis 1 is more systematised and ordered. (Boadt 1984) The 'creative acts' are developed and organized into six 24-hour days? implying that God's design had deliberate intention. One could perceive God as impersonal and force-like: 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth' (Gen 1:1) God's presence is powerful and glorious. After human person was made? God stopped creating thereby implying humanity as the ultimate creation.

Specific and deliberate choices of language are employed to convey particular meaning. Repetition of the central theme that God created all is utilised to emphasise that this God is the greatest God of all. The repetitive nature of this passage is seen in phrases such as: 'And God said' (Gen 1:2) 'And God saw' (Gen 1:4) 'And God called' (Gen 1:5) 'And God made' (Gen 1:7) 'And God created' (Gen 1:21) 'And God blessed' (Gen 1:22). (Scullion 1992) Expressions like this are repeated through the majority of the verses for the days of creation in Genesis 1. This repetitive language compels the reader to put emphasis on the power that God has to take action? whilst adding to the rhythmic and flowing style of the passage. Repetition serves to create a beautiful? lyrical quality of Genesis. This formulaic language is characteristic of poetry. The redundancies of the phrases in Genesis are not monotonous? but instead? remarkably effective? a form of foreshadowing. (Collins 2003) They serve to remind the reader of the majestic power of God. God's words become God's deeds.

In contrast to the first story? the creation of humanity precedes the creation of all other things in the second story. The theme of human dominance is portrayed strongly by God entrusting man to name all things that God created. “…and whatever the man called every living creature? that was its name.” (Gen 2:19) Whilst both stories represent different versions of the same Biblical event? the second creation story seems more stylistically advanced. This story uses vibrant images and realistic narrative style? even though it is prosaic at times. It also introduces the reader to the geography of the time? taking us out of Eden and through the four rivers towards the east of ...
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