Bill Cosby

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Bill Cosby

“Bill Cosby and Personal Responsibility”

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“Bill Cosby and Personal Responsibility”


'William Henry commonly known as “Bill" Cosby Jr. was born on July 12 of 1937 in Philadelphia) is one of the famous American actors, television producer, activist and comedian. An experienced person in the genre of comedy Stand-Up, began his career performing in several clubs, and hence obtained a forefront role in the action program of the 1960's 'I Spy'. Later on he starred in his own series, The Bill Cosby Show at the end of the decade. He was one of the main characters in a program of television for children in initial couple of seasons. After that he created the animated comedy series named 'Fat Albert' and 'the child Cosby Kids, which includes a group of friends who are youngsters and growing up in the city. Cosby also appeared in numerous films, but no one was recognized as his work in television.


Bill Cosby believes that the issues of the poor can get through with their problems if they show willingness to perform with more efforts, get education, work better and stay away from prisons and perform more efficiently. But it seems difficult to make any claim about that, though it is possible (Brian, 16).

Only dishonest or a stupid will negate that every one involving the deprived and poor, needs to be accountable for the issue as well as for themselves, for how they should behave in the world. However, we should not just ask for the poor's responsibility, we are also supposed to talk about our responsibility towards them.

Personal responsibility alone cannot resolve that issue, but our social responsibility towards the poor can. Martin Luther King claimed that, when society put "the responsibility on its system and not on the individual, and guarantees secure employment or guaranteed income, dignity will come within the reach of all." King assumed that the fascination lying with personal accountability and responsibility for the poor was not correct because it let society off the hook. And blasting the poor is misled. "We do much too little to assure decent, secure employment," King said. "And then we castigate the unemployed and underemployed for being misfits and ne'erdo-wells. We still assume that unemployment usually results from personal defects; our solutions therefore, largely tend to be personal and individual." Instead, we need to look at "the causes and cures of the economic misfortunes" of the poor and seek to "establish income security."

The persons who believe that Bill Cosby's view is wrong, no matter transformation in America have to rise within the state, they will declare it definitely. But most expectedly they will not be more interested in discussing this matter for so long.

The main issue for them is lying within the cities, where they believe that there is no area or space for the Black people who have no college degrees. The jobs or vacancies in the factories have gone, and Compton is filled with drugs. It seems so easy to say that get good ...