Business Globalisation

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Business Globalisation

Business Globalisation


Globalisation is the name given to the process by which national economies are transformed gradually and rapidly, since the last quarter century, in one form of the global economy, now that virtually all state-planned economies have disappeared, and those remaining are being fully integrated into it. The term Globalisation is subject to a multitude of shades, hence, the degree of ambiguity, but ultimately is just a new expansionary phase of capitalism, an economic system cannot remain without growing, failing and disappearing in a crisis. But, capitalism has always been international or global level, even from the beginning, not for nothing that the colonial powers largely financed their industrial revolutions with the proceeds from the exploitation of its colonies and the uneven benefits of trade from its industrial production. The internationalization of trade was followed by the production, and with it the capital, well off as foreign direct investment (multinational) or loans (Michael, 2002).


Today the financial markets are interdependent and interact in an integrated and comprehensive, despite the time zone, thanks to new information systems and communications, in deregulation and liberalization of cross-border financial flows to a loss of control by part of the state central banks. Speculative capital movements have a clear path to enter and exit markets, securities and currencies and benefit from exchange rate differences that they produce, creating global instability. In a way, the financial world "independent" of the real economy and international financial agents spend large to dominate the world economy through risky business. States can no longer control or most of its economies: fiscal and monetary policy and interest rates. Globalisation takes place under the hegemony of finance capital. In addition, the capitalists of different countries integrate into the Globalisation of finance capital where taking their higher profits expected decoupling of the interests of their nations, and opportunities for accumulation equate to investors, both in rich countries as poor countries. It produces the "denationalization" of capital (Michael, 2002).

For the vast majority of participants rated, (at least 90 companies) continued business growth and increase in profits is only possible through Globalisation. These companies realize that they not be key players in the domestic market within their own countries if they seek to secure long-term prosperity. That is why these organizations should expand their activities outside their home country and to achieve all that will allow them to compete with the leading market players. In addition, most participants rated not only possess the desire for growth, but also a motivation in the context of Globalisation. In this case, we are talking about improving its research base, the accumulation of intangible assets such as brands, on the last test new business models (Thierry, 2004).

For example, the rating for the ten whose desire to Globalisation is not exclusively based on the desire for continued growth, the main impetus is caused by desire and critical need for long-term access to natural resources. These market players are less global in terms of revenue, but more global in terms of ...
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