Business Memo

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Business Memo

Business Memo

Assignment: Methods

Step 1

In this assignment, i have to make a survey of Roanoke branch and have to identify all the problems related to this branch in the context of the employees and clients. I will also analyze the causes and effects of the problems and conditions within Roanoke branch.

Assignment: An Employee and Client Surveys

Step 2A: Surveys


Employees were having a problem by sitting late hours without any notice; and they were not receiving any extra benefit. Three from designers and four from copywriters were frightening to resign because they were feeling that their artistic efforts are being discarded without consultation. They want to be part of a shared team, not to simply produce work that the art directors and account executives can alter arbitrarily. In an attempt to increase revenues, the branch is accepting new clients without evaluating the effects of the new accounts on the current project workload (Joan, 2007).


Clients which were coming, to the business were on advantage as they were not been checked before having a contract. The employees were not happy with the organization they their morale was declining and productivity in the work was decreasing eventually making new clients disappointed.

Assignment B: Letter to CEO of Roanoke Branch

DATE:June 30, 2011

TO:CEO of Roanoke Branch

FROM:Katherine Stewart

SUBJECT:Production of Roanoke, Virginia Branch

I submit to you a Roanoke branch reports. I have reviewed and considered some suggestions; I hope we can solve the problem as quickly as possible many thanks for the actual report of the Phoenix branch of Roanoke advertising for sharing some experiences of internal problems. These problems are affecting the operation of the shop. One of the shop's director died in a car accident. Another competitor is making piracy. In addition to this store also experienced problems with employees. Many employees are demoralized, not taking the initiative to work in the Roanoke branch sales performance is critical to the overall profitability of the institution. Therefore, it is essential to solve the internal problems in order to maintain its sales and profitability.

The result in the loss of directors and their business management issues, according to the current problem. None of the directors run the show, the conflict arises. Staff morale due to work load increased, but no corresponding compensation and overtime pay. Graphic designer and copy also experienced account management personnel, directors and interfere with their decision to work or output low morale (Edward, Richard, 1985). Loss of competitors and employees reflects a significant morale of the Phoenix advertising agency staff which deals with the methods. There is a need to review the management and re-evaluate their system of incentives and incentives to stay in the organs of the company's problems affect the productive organizations in accordance with Dreyer and Doherty 2001 how the company manages its employees to a large extent decided whether it will be able to establish and maintain a competitive advantage over other companies, as the shop's management is responsible for the losses. Phoenix ads will feel the impact of profitability and performance ...
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