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The Ways in Which Chiropractic Is Regulated In the UK

The Ways in Which Chiropractic Is Regulated In the UK


Chiropractic is a regulated health profession in the UK, concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on the function of both the nervous system and general health. There is an emphasis on manual treatments including bone or spinal manipulation or adjustments. By restoring normal function to the musculoskeletal system, chiropractors can play a crucial part in relieving disorders and any accompanying pain or discomfort arising from accidents, stress, lack of exercise, poor posture, illness and the everyday wear and tear that happens to us all as we grow older and particularly to those who have had a long sporting life (Bedard, 2008, 361).

Chiropractic is a primary health care profession that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention of neuro-muscoluoskeletal conditions that occur secondary to the mechanical dysfunction of joints and muscles. Doctors of Chiropractic are often perceived as "back doctors". Although this is not entirely wrong, it is very much incomplete. Chiropractors can diagnose and treat problems in any joint in the body from migraine headaches and neck pain to your ankles and toes, the title of previous doctor does not cover the full ranges of problems that chiropractors can manage (Keller, 2007, 77-90).

Chiropractors take an all round approach to health and well-being, which means that they consider your symptoms in the context of your full medical history, your lifestyle and your personal circumstances. The effectiveness of chiropractic treatment is supported by research as well as by various UK government and medical organisations.

Doctors of Chiropractic utilise the art of functionally assessing the biomechanics of the human body to look for the root cause of mechanical disorders and pain. The treatment methods used by chiropractors include a wide range of techniques and procedures that can positively influence the functionality of the body as a whole. Chiropractors take into consideration biological, psychological and social factors that may influence care in order to obtain the best results with every patient (Bedard, 2008, 361). Chiropractors are well known for implementing the specialised skill of joint manipulation commonly known as “Chiropractic adjustments”. This series of skilled techniques and procedures are recognised by the NHS for their curative abilities and are fine tuned focused forces that are applied to specific dysfunctional joints allowing a release of tension and a regain of motion and mobility.

As well as utilising manipulative therapy to help restore the functional mechanics of the human body chiropractors are skilled in soft tissue techniques to help strengthen, lengthen, loosen and restore function into muscles and joints. They regularly utilise mobilisation techniques in conjunction with or in exchange of manipulative procedures and use rehabilitative therapies such as stretching and exercise to restore function, balance and coordination. Although practice may vary slightly between practitioners, many chiropractors choose to utilise other natural means of influencing the bodily systems including medical acupuncture; cupping; ultrasound; inferential ...
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