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Obedience of Christ

The obedience of Jesus Christ has two fundamental aspects that are recorded within the central plan of the Father and the divine plan to unconditionally accept all the consequences. In the obedience of Christ, we have also the essential elements found in the obedience of the People of God (Thoennes, 2011).

Obedience was central to Jesus' mission on Earth. As "the last Adam", he came to do what our forefathers did not: obey Jehovah God even under test (1 Corinthians 15:45). His obedience, however, was not mechanical, as observed God's commandments with all your mind, heart and soul, and did so with joy. For him, doing the will of his Father was more important than the food itself (John 4:34). Now, what will help us to imitate Jesus? Let's start by examining what motivated him to be obedient. If we get our motivation is like his, we find it easier to overcome temptations and do the will of God.

In the life of Jesus, human mediation did not exist because the father had always shown its will directly without any intermediary for the infinite communion in the divine nature. Jesus would not be a model and example of obedience to us, and, specifically, for the religious. It would, rather, a model of authority, but not obedience. Moreover, in the Gospel there would be no direct and explicit call to obedience, as intended to live in the consecrated life and especially in religious life. They have said some good exegetes and theologians.


The Resurrection of Jesus Christ - one of the best known of the events described in the books of the New Testament. Belief in the resurrection of Jesus is one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. The "New Testament" also mentions several resurrection appearances of Jesus on several occasions to his twelve apostles and disciples, including (more than five hundred brethren at one time) (1 Corinthians 15:6). The death of Jesus with his resurrection are part of the foundations of the doctrine of salvation, which believes that through these events, mankind was redeemed from original sin that weighed on him from the first parents , allowing men can reach eternity (Thoennes, 2011). This is one of the miracles that not only forced people but also the Jews to believe in the prophet hood of Jesus. Jesus could make a dead man alive by god's permission. Initially they thought it was magic but then they believed that it was some miracle.

Ascension of Jesus

The ascension of Jesus Christ is an expression that comes from the early Christian communities, to refer to the glorification as the Bible was Jesus of Nazareth after his death at the hands of God the Father. Tradition Jewish held the symbol of the sky was the abode of God, symbolism was adopted by Christianity. Hence, the ascension into heaven is the sign that Jesus is invested with the divinity of God (Nichol, 1953). The solemnity called Ascension seems to be a very ancient ...
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