Christology And Soteriology

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Christology and Soteriology

Christology and Soteriology


Jesus asked to his disciples; "Who do you think I am?" which is also addressed to mankind, just as the early believers tried to answer the question in the context of their own time today it has fallen upon us to answer this question in context of our time. There are numerous answers to this question and many different views formulated by theologian from all over the world. Christian traditions reveal the continuing task of Christology which is the study about the Christian Theology focuses on the individuality and the character of Jesus Christ as presented within the Old Testament and the Gospel. Soteriology is the study related to religious doctrines and salvation. The salvation theory has been considered of special significance and importance in many religions. I the study of Soteriology many different views on salvation are analyzed and compared. There have been many scholars who have given their ideas and views on both concepts for this paper we will focus on the concepts presented by Karl Barth and Thomas F Torrance.


Principles and thinking of Karl Barth on Christology and Soteriology

Karl Barth has been given immense importance in the fields of Christology and Soteriology and has been considered the theologian of the word, even though many people might debate about this fact it can never be denied since for Karl theology is not just for academics it comes from the soul and it has been his greatest aim to pursue his theological career only for internal fulfillment his teachings were generated out of if his ministry preaching the word of God. According to Barth his theology was not formulated in order to create a system it was a promise of Christian preaching. The liberal theories failed to help Barth during his quest to find true meaning. Barth discovered the Orthodox system and their theology appealed him more this became a starting point for him "God himself reveals himself from these men". From this point he developed his theology in his paper the centrality of Christology Barth stated that Jesus Christ is the key to understanding God, the universe and man. For Barth Jesus Christ is the point of departure for every theological principle.

Jesus Christ is the commencement of all God's words and ways. Who is Jesus Christ for Barth? "The person and the work of Christ can never be separated”. Regarding the view of Jesus Christ Barth pursues the orthodox theology. Barth is indeed very true in his words when he considers that the person and the work of Christ can never be separated, every time Barth deals with the person of Jesus he also deals with his work. Barth deals with the work of Christ under the heading of Revelation and of Reconciliation. Both are different phenomenons but he writes that the work of the Son or Word is indeed the presence and manifestation of God. This can only be considered as revelation. Barth's doctrines on reconciliation are difficult since it discusses ...
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