Classroom Management And Parental Involvement

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Classroom Management and Parental Involvement

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Classroom Management and Parental Involvement


Life in classrooms has characteristics of multidimensionality, simultaneity, immediacy, unpredictability, advertising, and historicity, making all the action in the classroom presents as a systemic process of communication. Assuming that what is truly important to the development of the individual's environment, as it is perceived and experienced, the ecological perspective emphasizes the entire context in which the micro-system of the student develops in its system classroom (Edwards, 2010).

Traditional research on teaching was not concerned so much with the management and organization of the classroom, as principally on its particular aspects, focusing more on the individual that the action of teachers in the classroom. It was the reflection of an intellectual paradigm, more concerned about the unique aspects than with the social dimension, with the whole. Currently, research on management and organization of the classroom focuses not only on how the order is established and maintained, but also about the processes that contribute to its establishment, such as planning and organization of classes. The use and distribution of resources, the establishment and clarification of the rules, the reaction to individual and group behavior, the framework in which this is achieved.

In the contexts in which it appears and participates, the individual performs activities, role-plays and establish interpersonal relationships, determining factors in their development as determinants turn out to be equally matrices that shape the nature of contexts and their relationships (Hines, 2011). The contexts assume, therefore, the ecological perspective, which defines a great importance. The sociological environment is regarded as a series of structures that fit together.

Some more immediate experience and that he lives directly, others more distant, but they also influential the conditions of its development. This immediate context, the integrator experiments and experiences of the subject as is known micro-system, whereas the contexts are less immediate eco-system, the macro system. The eco-system has to do with environments that does not involve the direct action of the subject, it eventually affect or be affected by it, while the macro-system consists of the set of values ??and socio-cultural patterns that sustain the activities that occur in the various contexts of culture. Moreover, macro-system has to do with the interrelations between contexts in which the individual participates actively (Hines, 2011). Thus, the school will be a macro-system in the micro-system of the student.

On this subject-environment, the individual falls in different contexts, which generates the performance of new activities, new roles, the restructuring of other inter-personal relationships that enable transitions ecological causes and consequences of the development process and that occur whenever the individual's position changes due to a change in the middle or in the roles and activities of the subject.


There is a significant difference between a teacher who is seen by the children or that is understood by them. The first screams and shouts, generally used a loud voice and often launches ultimatums which is linked to its prestige. The second working systematically with behaviors "wrong" treating them in private with the boys, ...
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