Code Of Hammurabi And The 10 Commandments

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Code of Hammurabi and the 10 Commandments

Origination and Purpose of the Code of Hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi was designed to prevent people from doing wrong and help protect the weak. It did not allow for explanations or excuses for, but allow the accused to give evidence in his defence. The Code of Hammurabi established, what should the punishment after the crime and the class of the offender. Tougher penalties were when committed against an amelu. The Code of Hammurabi is a list of crimes and then the penalties for these crimes. For example, if someone steals from another and is caught, that robber is put to death (The Code of Hammurabi, 22).

It also provides for the resolution of certain disputes. For example, if a person is careless and leaves the open ditches and water damaged the fields of their neighbours, the careless person to pay for the harvest destroyed (The Code of Hammurabi, 55). The Hebrews learned "a tooth for a tooth" from the Codex Hammurabi. "If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth are knocked out" (The Code of Hammurabi, 201). "When he knocked the teeth of a freed man, he shall pay one third of the gold Mina" (The Code of Hammurabi, 201). The Hebrews learned their law of "eye for an eye" from the Codex Hammurabi (The Code of Hammurabi, 196).

Code of Hammurabi on the society, class and gender structure in Mesopotamia

Hammurabi had a weak kingdom and turned it into an empire that was known as the Old Babylonian Empire. He built the model of past centuries and past rulers, to help him in his wake. He chose a ruler-god named Marduk, to monitor his kingdom. Hammurabi Code of Hammurabi and used religion to keep his company together. These laws were to help for future judges and governors, with their decisions. He believed that he was chosen by the gods to deliver these laws to the people of the country. Hammurabi established firmly his political practice, that he did it in the name of God.

The Babylonian society was divided into three classes. The amelu were the liberal upper class, wealthy people. This class consisted of temple priests, high-ranking officers, officials, palace, and rich merchants, the large controlled properties. The Muskinu were the liberal middle class. They were members of the palace were out of the country or lease amelu class. The ...
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