Cognitive Behavior Theory And Family Theory

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Cognitive Behavior Theory and Family Theory

Cognitive Behavior Theory and Family Theory


Developed over nearly five decades by Albert Bandura, social cognitive theory focused on the mutual interaction of behavior, cognitive, and other personal aspects, and environmental impact on human behavior derived from observation and subjected to repeated tests within many areas of human functioning (Bandura, 1969). The paper describes the implication of behavioral theory in developing family life style and behavior of family members through learning behavior and interaction.

The family made up of relatives, that is, those who for reasons of affinity, adoption or other various reasons, have been accepted as members of that community. Families may be constituted by a few members who often share the same residence. Depending on the nature of the relationships among its members, a family can be classified as the nuclear family or extended family. The birth of a family commonly occurs as a result of a previous fracture or union of members from two or more families through the establishment of marriage alliances or other arrangements sanctioned by custom or by law (Lindahl and Malik, 1999).


Cognitive theory considers motives toward personal growth and fulfilment. It does not only concentrate the attack on the inner psychic structure to the neglect of situational alternation. Instead of emphasizing the in- changeability of human nature, cognitive learning bases its techniques on the premise that people are capable of changing their behaviour by altering the immediate environmental circumstances in which they function (Gazzaniga,2009). The philosophy of cognitive theory is comparatively more optimistic towards human nature that people have much potential to change the environment that they should not give up themselves. It is highly educational in nature; the worker assumes a teaching role in teaching clients the concept of communication and problem-solving skills. It is the therapist responsibility to establish a collaborative relationship in which both client and therapist participate in formulating the problem and establishing a plan of action (Doidge, 2007, 56-92).

Similarly, the family life cycle is a process of development that is going through a series of stages involving changes and adaptations. These changes can lead to crisis, lower and higher intensity in the family since, moving from one stage to another family rules change, resulting in adverse situations. These situations can be as family system, as the separation of one of its members or arrival of the first child and family level problems and couple that may arise. According to cognitive theory, family members should adjust with the changes occur in the system.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy focuses on how the individual can change on their own, with the help of the therapist. That is why many feel that a lot of the mental disorders have a lot to do with a traumatic past experience. Let's take a shy child as an example. Children that are raised in a family that are emotionally and physically abusive parents can become believers that they are worthless and will never amount to anything in ...
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