Commercial Law

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Role and Development of Commercial Law Courts in the KSA


Commercial law plays a very crucial role in ensuring that trade practices are fair. For this purpose, commercial law is defined by the commercial law courts in order to ensure that limits with regards to commercial practices have been defined which the people living in the region have to follow. However, during this, it is ensured that the rules that have been defined are followed by the people and this is the duty of the law enforcement officers to ensure that laws are implemented and practiced well. It is extremely essential for every individual to practice ethics and to ensure that laws that have been formulated are being followed well. When law is being made, there are some ethical implications that need to be followed, and therefore, it is the duty of the employees and the officers to follow them. Due to this, moral leadership becomes difficult for the people as personal characteristics determine the choices and the moral practices of the people. Moral leadership therefore becomes difficult because it is difficult to make choices and especially because the things that are good in the eyes of the leader are not always good. Establishing law and ethics is not easy, and this is because the law looks to what is best "in general" and ignores specific aspects. Ethics seeks what is best "in particular" in this particular situation, for this person names. The law seeks to harmonize the life of free and responsible beings. The ethical challenges to freedom and "rules" that do this and avoid that. The law may be the result of a political consensus that does not meet anyone, but to allow each citizen to continue the course of their activities and projects.


1. Introduction

A) Role of commercial law

2. Discussion

A) Role of Ethics

B) Leadership influences

C) Moral leadership

D) Establishing law

E) Practicing ethics

F) Role of Law enforcement authorities

3. Conclusion

Importance of human dignity, human rights and justice

Role and Development of Commercial Law Courts in the KSA


Law plays a very crucial role in maintaining law and order and peace in a country. For this purpose, commercial law is defined by the commercial law courts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to ensure that limits with regards to commercial practices have been defined which the people living in the region have to follow. Moreover, commercial law also enables the citizens to know what they can do and what they are restricted to. This paper discuses the role and development of commercial law courts in the KSA.


It is extremely essential for every individual to practice ethics and to ensure that laws that have been formulated are being followed well. When law is being made, there are some ethical implications that need to be followed, and therefore, it is the duty of the employees and the officers to follow them. However, there are some issues that might occur with regards to ...
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