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Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons are the movies that have drastically alter the film making process from now on.

Citizen Kane vs The Magnificent Ambersons

Citizen Kane is widely hailed as the "great American film" and with good reason. From its complex narrative structure to pioneering photography to its incredibly rich use of sound, Welles' 1941 picture remains one of the most innovative movies ever to come out of a Hollywood studio. Even Today Citizen Kane stands out as one of the great films of all time. Unfolding almost entirely in flashback, Welles's masterpiece presents various perspectives on the oversized life of the recently deceased Charles Foster Kane. Through the reminiscences of friends, family, and coworkers, the film moves from Kane's childhood to his rambunctious adolescence, from the heights of his achievement to the depths of his isolation. All the while there is a search for clues to Kane's mysterious last word: "Rosebud." The puzzling phrase drives the tale, but ultimately it is only a means of exploring the film's real theme: the impossibility of truly understanding any human being.

The infamous background about the post-production woes of The Magnificent Ambersons is perhaps as interesting as the story notified in the film. And, to add taste to an already-spicy bowl, video critics and historians, in their zeal to lionize famous controller Orson Welles, have conveniently disregarded certain verifiable facts in alignment to make the tale behind The Magnificent Ambersons more of a David-versus-Goliath labour than it actually was. To pin all of the accuse for what occurred with The Magnificent Ambersons upon RKO images and executive manufacturer George Schaefer, and to exonerate Welles completely, is to take an arguably unjust position. When it comes to this film, there's plenty of culpability to proceed around.

The classic masterpiece, civilian Kane (1941), is likely the world's most well known and highly ranked movie, with its numerous remarkable scenes, cinematic and narrative methods and innovations. The controller, celebrity, and producer were all the same individual - Orson Welles (in his movie debut at age 25), who cooperated with HermanJ. Mankiewicz on the script and with Gregg Toland as cinematographer. Within the maze of its own aesthetic, Citizen Kane develops two intriguing themes. The first concerns the debasement of the personal character of the public number, and the second agreements with the crushing weight of materialism. Taken simultaneously, these two topics comprise the bitter irony of an American achievement story that finishes in futile nostalgia, loneliness, and death. The fact that the personal topic is developed verbally through the characters while the materialistic theme is evolved visually, creating a distinctive stylistic counterpoint. It is against the counterpoint that the topics unfold within the structure of a mystery story. Its topic is notified from some perspectives by some different individual features and is considered provoking. The tragic article is how a millionaire newspaperman, who idealistically made his status as the champion of the underprivileged, becomes corrupted by a lust for riches, power and ...
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