Comparison Of Political Structure Of South Africa

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Comparison of Political Structure of South Africa

Comparison of Political Structure of South Africa


Most African nations started out as cities of Europe, such as Portugal, Britain, Malaysia, Italy and Spain. Once the cities became separate, starting in the overdue 50's, many of them moved to having their own multiparty authorities. Over time, as the nations grappled with post-colonial issues of security, many converted to one party countries or army regimes. At present, government issues continue in most Africa nations and these nations cannot be recognized as full democracies.


Types of Government in Africa

Full Democracies

In a complete democracy, the people maintain the better power, which they work out either immediately or in a round about way through a system of counsel and assigned powers. Free and reasonable elections happen regularly to replenish assigned power. Full democracies involve a democratic framework and environment which encourages liberties and municipal rights and freedom to media. Although there are 26 complete democracies in the world, however, only one of them belongs to Africa. This is Mauritius, a small Isle in Indian Ocean near Madagascar.

Flawed Democracies

In problem democracies, free and reasonable elections are still organized, but there are infringements on press independence or on the regard for primary municipal rights. Government problems and low stages of governmental contribution are symptoms of a problem democracy. The problem democracies in African exist in a number of states, which are Benin, Cape Verde, Lesotho, Southern Africa, Ghana, Botswana, Namibia, and Mali.

Hybrid Regimes

Zambia, Senegal, Malawi Uganda, Mozambique, Tanzania, South Africa, Liberia and Sierra Leone are all illustrations of multiple routines i.e. Hybrid regimes. Elections in these nations have significant problems, such that they are not reasonably fair and free. Dishonesty and fraud may be extensive, municipal community and the guideline of law may be poor, and there is likely governmental stress on journalists.

Authoritarian Regime

Authoritarian, as its name suggests that here, states have a say in most of the things even they have their say in citizen's life, and they may be overall dictatorships. Elections are also not reasonably fair and free, and there are obvious movement of censorship and violations of civil rights. This is the most everyday sort of government in Africa, which had been discovered in Mauritania, Togo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Algeria, Cameroon, Comoros, Guinea-Bissau Nigeria, Gambia, Angola, Gabon, Rwanda, Cote d'Ivoire, Swaziland, Congo (Brazzaville), Guinea, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tropical Guinea, Main Africa Republic and Chad.

Political Structure of South Africa in contrast to other countries

United States

From the above illustration, we can easily understand that South Africa is a region, where hybrid political structure prevails, which neither falls in dictatorship nor comes under democracy (Makgoba, 1999). Under such a structure, civil rights are crushed badly. One cannot think of free and fair elections. However, scenario of U.S. is completely reversed.

The U.S. system of government is always recognized for limit on power. No personal or team, chosen or hired, has overall power and few individuals or group can exercise any power at all without ...
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