Competency For Registered Nurse

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Competency for Registered Nurse

Competency for Registered Nurse

Continued competence has been defined as the application of knowledge and interpersonal communication, decision-making, and psychomotor skills expected to practice the role of the nurse, in the context of public health and safety. Many organizations offer special care exams and other certification processes, assuming that the certification is related to the continuing competence. Continuing Competence process is a system created to demonstrate to the competent practice of registered nurses (Nelson, 1999).

Board certification is associated with competence and found that the internal and external rewards. While most professional organizations have an initial certification on the basis of standardized assessment, portfolios were used by some organizations to pass a collection of works illustrating the range of achievements and abilities (Nelson, 1999).

Interest in continuing competence developed at the local, national and international levels in connection with the increased demands for accountability from the public, changing practice and practice roles in health care, rapid changes in health science and technology, trade agreements (interprovincial and international) and professional changes in legislation (Nelson, 1999). In a nursing profession, the main impetus for change came from registered nurses themselves. Nurses are proud of their professional competence and their commitment to assist at the level of nursing. In addition, as a self-regulating professionals, registered nurses have been using different approaches to maintain their competence (

They may include formal approaches, such as courses or informal approaches, such as learn about the new diagnosis. Although we have documentation of our formal education, we often do not document non-formal education. In fact, we often just take it for granted - it's just something you as a professional. Competence, the process includes a process to document and formalize how informal and formal learning, which we do as professionals to ensure quality care. Continuing the ...
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