Conceptual- Theoretical Model (Nursing Theory)

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Conceptual- theoretical model (nursing theory)

Conceptual- theoretical model (nursing theory)


The main reason that has motivated this study is the absence, in our environment, and work to address the relationship between nursing theory and its application in practice, which is a concern among a large part of the professional nurses who often wonder about the whys of explicit distancing from nursing theoretical discourse, which is present in the basic and continuing education, and caregiver practice. It is for this reason that this thesis focuses on exploring the causes that influence a practice nurse supported by a scientific method and to identify the theoretical concepts that are implicit in it, in regards to the currently accepted as paradigmatic: 1 ) care, 2) the person, 3) health and 4) the environment. The professionalization of nursing has not been easy, attention to the care of people has traditionally been limited to the realm of the everyday and the domestic. The same has happened with other practices such as the functioning of the human structures, education, emotional support or conflict resolution, etc.


The science of nursing was derived mainly from the social sciences, biology and medicine from the 60, XX century an increasing number of professionals are dedicated to develop nursing models that provide the basis for developing theories and advance knowledge of the profession. The theory provides the knowledge needed to improve daily practice through the description, explanation, prediction and control of phenomena. Nursing is a practical discipline and therefore innovative ideas should emerge from practice with a good theoretical background in relation to care needs to maintain the health of individuals and society. Theories are verified and validated through research and provide guidance for this research. (Perry 1992)Features:Theories should satisfy at least the following characteristics: Must be logical, relatively simple and generalized.( Must be composed of concepts and propositions.( Must relate concepts to each other.( Should provide a basis for testable hypotheses.( Must be consistent with other theories, laws and principles apply.( Can you describe a particular phenomenon, explain the relationships between phenomena,( predict or cause a desired phenomenon can and should be used by nurses to guide and improve practice.( Levels of development of the theory:

The Metatheory: focuses on general aspects, including analysis of the( purpose, type, proposal and criticism of sources and methods for developing the theory

The( metaparadigm: content is abstract and general level, attempting to explain a useful overview for the understanding of key concepts and principles (eg the General Theory of Nursing Orem or Adaptation Model Roy)

Middle Range Theories: are(aimed at specific phenomena or concepts such as pain and stress, are limited but general enough to stimulate research. Empirical theories: are directed to the desired goal and the specific( actions necessary to achieve them, are defined briefly.


Florence Nightingale began her training as a nurse in 1851 in Kaiserwerth, Germany, its experience in dealing with sick and wounded soldiers during the Crimean War, greatly influenced his philosophy ...
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