Contributions Of Elizabeth Bayley Seton To Catholic Church And Education In America

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Contributions of Elizabeth Bayley Seton to Catholic Church and Education in America

Contributions of Elizabeth Bayley Seton to Catholic Church and Education in America


In the time period of Elizabeth Ann Seton's life, numerous epidemics, social problems associated with immigrants, and the lack of education existed in America. Being a well-bred and well-educated child, her family had taught her to treat all the human beings with respect and serve the people who are in need. Since, she was born just two years prior to the American Revolution; Elizabeth was brought up in the sophistication of the New York society. She was fond of reading everything ranging from contemporary novels to Bible; she was prolific reader. Despite of belonging to a higher background of the society, the early life of Elizabeth was simple, quiet and, most of the times, lonely (Abelly, 1993). After growing older, the Bible became a major part of her support, continual instruction, and comfort; the scriptures carried a special form of love for the rest of her life. Elizabeth, at that time, she saw the need and pleaded her father to grant her the permission to provide food and clothing to the Irish immigrants that she observed starving New York City (Catholic online). These lessons continued to be the part of Elizabeth's life and became sense of compassion which never ended for her. Her spirituality of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton took root in his love for God and his family. From a very young age, Elizabeth loved to read the Bible and it served as a source of prayer, her predilection for the 23rd Psalm. Episcopal and Catholic at the same time, Mother Seton appreciated the liturgical office and showed to be a fervent "communicant" (Burns, 1998).

Her life of prayer led to the service of others and the poor especially through educational activities. The themes of spirituality of the Setons are numerous: the love of the Eucharist, Holy Scripture, seeking the will of God, the longing for eternity, and devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. The spiritual journey of Mother Seton was the mutuality. In that way others involved were her counselors, friends, colleagues, and those she served. She had a confidence steadfast belief in the Providence Divine. Helping poor was a priority for her even before her conversion. Elizabeth was a woman of the Word and of the Eucharist who lived through the Paschal Mystery of the many proofs of his life, saving evidence, viewed in the light of eternity (Catholic online, 2012).

Contributions to Church

Elizabeth was devoted to follow God's will and possessed deep dedication for the Sacred Scripture, Eucharist, and Virgin Mary. Her favorite and most recited prayer was the 23rd Psalm, which she followed all her life. Elizabeth was a woman of service and prayer who had embraced the apostolic spirituality of Louise de Marillac and Vincent de Paul. She originally intended to get associated to the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul; however, this connection was prevented due to the Napoleonic Wars ...
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