Corporate Responsibility

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Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

P1 Explain the effects of globalisation on national economies.

Globalization means increased interconnectedness, the expansion and deepening of various social, economic and political, the growing interdependence of all societies together, promoted by increased financial flows, financial and communications. Globalization has benefited from the explosive development of two sectors, considered the mainstays of modern society: the financial markets and the media.

The financial statements are immaterial, immediate, permanent and global, exchange instant day and night, data from one extreme to another land. In this global financial market, the major collectors and at the same time recipients of funds, are the rich countries. Media: consists of a knowledge revolution that is added to the rapid and massive dissemination of information.

In the economic dimension of globalization can be understood as a new phase of expansion of the capitalist system that is characterized by the opening of national economies, by increasing international trade, expansion of financial markets, the spatial reorganization of production The ongoing search for comparative advantage and competitiveness that gives priority to technological innovation, the emergence of high unemployment and falling wage levels.

Globalization has become almost commonplace in the justification of any action or interpretation of the change that occurs both in public and in private. Its spread seems to derive from one's own ability to explain the task force for a number of changes that occur and impact on everyday life with extraordinary toughness.

Globalization appears to be the most important issue of social sciences since the late 90's. The key phrase is repeated continually refers to "the challenges posed by globalization," and also appears as the main justification for public policies to be adopted by a very popular anti or painful they may be. In this phenomenon, the views are very diverse, where there is a position that is absolutely true and we are in the rugged field of opinion, and that is why we will try to analyze the main arguments for and against the development of globalization process.

Under proper conditions, this phenomenon offers extraordinary possibilities for progress, seeks the formation of a decentralized global society imposes the need to be in the right conditions and this has great potential for progress in terms of organization, efficiency, productivity, dissemination of knowledge, improving the standard of living and closer relations between men.

The process of globalization presents an opportunity to improve market access conditions which had previously been fragmented, through the movement of information, technology and capital. Information flows, technology and portfolio capital have been the ones that have increased their mobility and, therefore, are more markets where conditions have improved access to economies with lower relative ability of endogenous generation. However, the conditions to exploit these opportunities are unevenly distributed between countries. Reducing costs of transport and communications has facilitated the division of the production process, allowing the participation of a greater number of geographic locations as the advantages that each brings to the value chain. This has expanded the opportunities for individual economies to participate more actively in ...
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