Cosmetic Aesthetic Nurse

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Cosmetic Aesthetic Nurse

Cosmetic Aesthetic Nurse


Aesthetic nurses, also known as cosmetic or plastic surgical nurses, to attend and perform various cosmetic procedures. All nurses must be licensed aesthetic. If you want to become a nurse, you must first have a general license RN. Nurses are not necessarily required to obtain separate certification to become a nurse in aesthetics, but the certification is helpful for career advancement. There are many ways to assess the quality of care for each organization. By asking questions and receiving complete answers can be an indicator of a proper and safe nursing facility. By observing the staffing levels and nurse to patient ratio allows the prospective family to view the interaction of the nurse with his/her patients. In order to see how many patients a nurse sees in one shift, ask the nursing supervisor or a nurse manager (NHS, 2003, 41-53).


Botox is a protein naturally - without any chemical intervention - extracted from one of the types of bacteria. Botox needs to very high-tech manufacturing using very sophisticated for a material in the form of severe purity and sterilization to ensure patient to effect a quick and without any side effects (Abma, 2006, 546-557).

The use of Botox for the treatment of facial wrinkles is a real revolution in the world of cosmetics. Before talking about Botox must know why consisting of wrinkles? Formed wrinkles on the face as a result excessive contraction of facial muscles between the eyebrows, forehead and around the eyes and around the mouth and neck This is evident more in those crossings by nature and social or work requires talking a lot, so it is called wrinkle-expression and this had nothing to do with age, it can appear in the twenties or thirties where it is frequently associated with contraction of the muscles of the face to people who have received wide coverage by moving the muscles of facial expression such as raising the eyebrows or eyebrows when you think about what is gloom between the eyebrows when anger or exclamation, as well as around the eyes when you laugh. Therefore, any person when he looks in the mirror and find the wrinkles at the movement, he prefers to start in the use of Botox from now so as not to turn these lines into permanent wrinkles in the skin appears more face-lived as a result of these lines (Muir, 1996, 555-563).

The evidence is clear on the success of Botox to treat wrinkles is the results very special in a very short time and without any problems for the patient only in less than 20 minutes and the least pain states away wrinkles and return the person to his normal life completely and this is called in America "lunch break treatment" no cure period of rest Many go to work Botox at work in the rest period and return directly to work because of the simplicity and ease of treatment.

Drugs for the treatment of Wrinkles and legislation

Valbotox has long been ...
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