Course Review

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Course Review

Course Review


The course “Using Accounting and Financial Information” is a mandatory course for all discipline. This course is available for undergraduate students in Business Schools. The module is compulsory for BSc Business, Marketing and Economic degree programme. This module is not compulsory, but highly recommended to the Hotel and Hospitality Management Studies Programme (Dyson, 2007, p.122).

The course offered in Fall-10 and Spring-11. 171 students enrolled in Fall-10 and 223 students in Spring-11. Mentors and five lecturers involved in the team of teaching in both the semesters.

This course is compulsory for all the discipline because it has all the basic information of accounting and finance that may be significant for the non-accounting students (Gowthorpe, 2005, p.102). The course has initial financial information of balance sheet and income statements along with accounting ledgers that can be needed in every field of interest (Brigham, 2009, p.121). The course provides the theories for interpreting financial results of organisations from non accounting point of view. It also assists to understand the nature of the financial management and capital investment decisions of the organisation and how they align with the strategic decisions. It provides the comprehensive financial knowledge that can help to achieve efficiency in the organisation.


The assessment in the module has comprehensive coursework, examinations, and other projects/ presentations. The coursework includes assignments and essay work will start from week4. All the coursework including assignment, essays, and presentation consists of 40% points. During the module, to improve attainment formative tasks will be given students. Brainstorming and current affairs discussion in class will be held every month, and that consists of 5%point of coursework for student participation. This discussion includes the monthly opportunity for students to come forward and give their suggestions for comprehensive learning (Benjamin, 2008, p.50). The 20% of the course work is the individual project on financial ratios of companies listed in Stock Exchange with broad interpretation, and forecasting according to the trend of the company. This project submission will be in the last month of the semester. The rest 15%, points will be distributed in essays and routine assignments. 60% of the total points include a final examination. The final examination will be from each and every thing discussed in class, and will be referred to the course book and recommended books. Final results consist of 40% coursework and 60% final examination. 5% points of formative task will be announced in the final result.

Learning outcomes

The comprehensive and detailed studies will make student learn the fundamental concepts of finance and accounting, and will assist them in non-accounting tasks in firms, from the beginning of the module students will engage in learning and understanding processes. Lecturer will refer the book and provide practical examples for naive understanding. The final project-financial ratio analysis of the stock exchange listed company will provide the understanding of financial statements and interpretation of their results. It will give the practical exposure students that how income statement, balance sheet, and other financial ...
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