Criminology Theory

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Theories on Crime Comparison

Theories on Crime Comparison


There is no doubt that the phenomenon of crime and the offense is one of the most dangerous social phenomena that threaten the human race in its security and stability, and even his life. The psychology is the "study of the soul "(psyche, soul and logos, treaty). However, in its contemporary sense can be defined as the science that studies the processes related mental phenomena of behavior, and as in the case of this article, their approach performed considering two key areas: learning and the teaching while Criminology is an empirical and interdisciplinary science that deals with crime, the offender, victim and social control of abnormal behavior (Williams, 2009).

Criminology and Criminological Psychology, also known as tries to find out or know what induced a subject to crime, what is the significance of this behavior for him, why the idea of punishment is not afraid and makes him give up his unlawful conduct. The psychological theory is to clarify its meaning in a historical-genetic (Abadinsky, 2009). A complete analysis of the male offender in itself requires an interdisciplinary work, a job that allows exposure of the habitat of individuals, their family, their culture with different aspects of their processes of enculturation, education, teaching and social organization, from their political, their religion and art.


Relationship between personality and criminal behavior

Personality comes from the word persona which he referred to the mask that used in the works, after referring to the traits that had this mask, behavioral traits that characterized the person behind the mask. It is often claimed the existence of a relationship between crime and insanity and is still subject of discussion, but the criminal history shows us that there is such a relationship, besides the psychological disturbances are the cause and reason for many antisocial. It been seen as a malformed personality which is particularly likely to commit crimes, mainly for its lack of resistance to frustration, their reduced ability to handle aggression, inadequate coping skills, as several investigations into the minds of criminals. It is further declaring that the intellectual deficiencies during development can cause antisocial behavior, largely because of lack of understanding of the principles erotic, moral and legal (Cloninger, 2010).

Understanding why crime occurs requires an appreciation for the complexity of human behavior. Behavior is not determined by one factor, but rather influenced by a host of interrelated factors. For example, an individual's reaction to losing his or her job may vary according to factors such as age, coping skills, personality, future job opportunities, level of social support, or financial status (Cloninger, 2006).

Comparison between theories of crime

The theory of crime is a tiered ranking system, made up the study of criminal legal budgets to be met to establish the existence of a crime, i.e., solves when an act qualified as a crime. This theory, creation of the doctrine (but based on certain rules of law) does not address requirements or elements of a particular crime (murder, robbery, rape, ...
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