Data Management: Data Warehousing And Data Mining

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Data Management: Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Data Management: Data Warehousing and Data Mining

What do you think of the site and tools presented this time around?

New and existing SAP customers can deploy their SAP solutions on SAP certified Amazon EC2 instances in production environments knowing that SAP and AWS have tested the performance of the underlying AWS resources, verified their performance, and certified them against the same standards that apply to servers and virtual platforms(Gargeya, 2011). Customers now have the flexibility to deploy their SAP solutions and landscapes on the scalable, on-demand AWS platform without making required long-term commitments or costly capital expenditures for their underlying infrastructure. The AWS pay-per-use model enables customers to pay only for the resources used, which results in lower costs, increased efficiencies, and faster time to market.

What do you think can be learned from these tools?

The ability to analyze all major file formats in more than 30 languages.

Text parsing and identification - Extract, categorize, and summarize free-form text sources to identify concepts, sentiments, people, organizations, places, and other information.

Supports 35+ out-of-the-box entities, relations, and events to extract previously hidden information.

A workbench to customize extraction of entities, relations, and events, and to create taxonomies for categorization.

Extract and analyze the most relevant sentences to create a summary of any document or set of documents.

In what situations do you think these tools are useful?

SAP has run its online community network for nearly ten years. Now, says Mark Yolton, senior vice president of SAP Communities & Social Media, it's also using social media for “outside-in” market insight and as a mechanism to immediately tell the world about its new products. Even with a company as complex as SAP, with 60,000 employees around the world, we really only do three basic things,” says Yolton. “We build solutions, we sell solutions, ...
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