Death And Impermanence

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Death and Impermanence

Death and Impermanence

Thesis statement

Life is made of memories, if we had no memory every moment is like being reborn and paradoxically, if not forget, every moment would be an eternal death. Perhaps the feeling of superiority and power, created by knowledge, due to the relationship between remembering and forgetting the life and death, because we give life to remember things, we are almost gods in our limited realities. Without death, there is no possibility of life without forgetting the memory makes no sense, each time they forget something totally feel a part of our existence had disappeared, as if we never lived on the contrary when we evoke a memory and able to bring to our minds all the details of that time, we experienced a strange sensation, as if time had returned. IntroductionSince the early 70's, many researchers and serious and respectable scientists dared to tackle the thorny issue of near-death experiences that relate many hospital patients or people who had suffered an accident or a heart attack, which had been to remain clinically dead for a while, several minutes or even several hours, in very dramatic.

After analyzing thousands of testimonies of near death experiences or deaths temporary clinics, there was a series of frequent patterns, which were observed by both the well-known psychiatrist Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, as the social psychologist renowned author Raymond Moody book Life after Life and many other researchers. Most of those who have had the courage to tell their stories tell us the changes in perception and awareness that experience, being caught with frequent floating outside the body and watching what is happening around him at the precise moment when his heart stopped beating. Some live and transcendent mystical experiences noting an understanding of why of all things and an expansion of consciousness that is very difficult to explain once again return to real life. Most accept imperfect light when they were in were told they had to return because their task, mission or work on earth was not finished. Some are reluctant to return and they have to remember what they have yet to do here.

The main consequence of these experiences often happens when the heart begins to beat again and these people regain their consciousness attached to the physical body. From experience, most have a view of the larger reality; less conditioned by social, religious or cultural, is more spiritual but less religious, and changes their perception of time and space, still common to leave the habit to wear a watch. Apparently they find a greater meaning to their lives and begin to become more interested in helping others and improving society or the environment, in personal and selfish. However, above all, the experience will be lost forever is the fear of death.

Many medical and scientific reductionists insist that such experiences are caused by hallucinogenic substances generated by the brain to the strong shock involves cardiac arrest or clinical death or lack of blood supply or oxygen in the brain. However, the painstaking research conducted by leading physicians, and the clinical pediatrician Melvin Morse American or British cardiologist Sam Permian, noted that this hypothesis cannot explain all the near-death experiences and, as a result of its investigations, ...
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