Decision Making Process

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Decision Making Process

Decision Making Process


People make decisions every day. Some decisions, like what to eat for breakfast, are smaller than others, such as whether or not to pursue a different career. Decision making and problem solving are two of the most difficult professional work. Almost all professionals have studied something about technical diagnosis of problems and problem resolution. However, decision making at the management level requires a different process, with some similarities. The ability to make decisions is one of the attributes that always arises when professionals talk about successful people and analyze their characteristics. Good decision makers are not born lucky, but help the natural conditions.


The ability to make decisions can be taught and developed, but that does not mean it is possible to "make silk bags with pig ears." The analytical process to divide the resolution of problems in a number of steps used to train managers for decades. The first decision-making technique to be mastered is the ability to differentiate between direct decisions, regular, and even urgent and more complex decisions that justify the analysis required to reach a good result. Direct decisions, repetitive, that should be delegated, if possible, and standard procedures should be established to address them (Plous, 1993). In large organizations, these procedures must be in writing, while in smaller groups they can be transmitted orally. These decisions are referred programmable decisions, and in some circumstances can be programmed into a computer to make an appropriate response. Emergency decisions must be made quickly, especially if safety is at stake. Typical situations that require urgent decisions can be investigated in advance, while procedures established model for future action.

Complex Decisions

After making routine decisions, we are the most complex decisions, and often more difficult. These usually require a large amount of information and lots of discussion before. The first question to be resolved is who will handle the decision and how. If there is a particularly important decision can be delegated. If, the decision directly affects the employees but is not significant for the progress of the firm, may require participation, and group discussion. The basic choices are: who to involve in decision making, whether to organize discussion groups and information dissemination, and whether to address the decision yourself, without assistance. The time control is also an important factor, but usually these problems do not disappear. However, if they are neglected for a long time, may degenerate into crisis.

The choice of the decision maker is very important and often shows the difference between the experienced professional and “amateur” (Monahan, 2000). Come into play in this election many considerations, such as internal politics, vested interests, personal interests, likes and dislikes. The Japanese style of making complex decisions illustrates this point well. It may be too slow and even frustrating for Westerners. The Japanese insist on thorough discussion, dissemination of information and consensual agreement, no matter how long it takes. Once a decision taken by consensus, those involved will be fully responsible, it improves the quality and efficiency ...
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