Depiction Of The Journey Of War In Iliad And Henry V

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Depiction of the Journey of War in Iliad and Henry V

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Depiction of the Journey of War in Iliad and Henry V


The journey of war has been depicted very differently in Homer's Iliad and Shakespeare's Henry V. They both clarify that war had different ends in those times. The purpose of the war was to achieve victory that was inevitable. Regardless of the causes of war, which should be to attain eventual peace, there was widespread acceptance of war at that time. Both of the pieces of literature show war as inevitable and also as successful that it able to achieve its end. However, still the depiction of war in the two pieces of literature is different.

The Iliad of Homer depicts the war in the poem as inevitable. However, Achilles who is the hero is not interested in war. Accordingly, he orders and wants the ships to return home. He is not a warmonger, but is rather a pacifist. He is totally against the war, nonetheless carries it out when it has become due even contrary to his whims. Furthermore, he also abhors the journey of war completely and instead wants to stay at home without any war. On the other hand, the depiction of war in Shakespeare's play is different. Here, Henry V is the king and the proponent of war. He is not at all a pacifist and is ready to undertake the war to reclaim Normandy and other places from the French king. Although, there are people who are not in favor of war, such as Cecil, still it has become necessary due to Britain's condition at that time. It was clear that the war was inevitable due to the instability of the country.

Depiction of war in Iliad

It is clear that Homer is not for the war, nor against it. Accordingly, Homer has shown much ambivalence for war. It is also clear that Achilles is totally against the war. Accordingly, his opinions of being a sure pacifist match with those of the lawyer, Thersites, who reminds the troops of the Greeks to get their ships and go back home. Further, it has also been suggested that Helen is the reason for the war. On the other hand, Homer is a belligerent and only wants war. Consequently, it is because of this breaking of the truce that the two day gory and vicious battle ensues between the Trojans and the Greeks.

Although, Achilles has to take part in the fight finally, he was not ready for this. It was only when his bosom friend, Patroclus, was slain by Hector that he had to resolve to fight this battle and kill his enemy Hector. Accordingly, he orders a shield from the God Hephaestus, who is the craftsman, through his mother. However, it is clear that the armor of Achilles is great, even better than that of Agamemnon. Still, the shield of Achilles clearly shows the pacifist nature of the people who do not want to engage in the war. This ...