Development Of Hrm

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Development of HRM

Development of HRM


Globalization - the process of global economic, political and cultural integration and unification . Globalization is the process of pulling the world economy, more recently understood as a collection of national economies, interconnected system of international division of labor, economic and political relations in the market and the close intertwining of their economies on the basis of transnationalization and regionalization. On this basis, is the formation of a unified global network of market economy - and its geo-economics, infrastructure, the destruction of national sovereignty, which were the main actors of international relations for centuries. The process of globalization is a consequence of the evolution of market systems designed state.

The main consequence of this is the global division of labor , migration (and, as a rule, the concentration) on a global scale of capital , labor, industrial resources, the standardization of legislation, economic and technological processes, as well as the convergence and merging of cultures of different countries. This is an objective process that is systemic, that is, covers all aspects of society. As a result of globalization, the world becomes more connected and more dependent on all its subjects. There is a general increase in the number of problems for the group, as well as expanding the number and types of integrating subjects (Harvey 2002, 455).

Culture is a shared set of meanings among community of people who develop a common model from shared experiences. Every country of the world has a distinct culture of its own. People living in a country relate to the norms and values of the society. There are values that are drastically different in various cultures and societies. The dressing pattern, languages spoken, colours, buildings, architecture et al differ in different cultures. The mingling of cultures has given way to a new phenomenon of cross cultures where a blend of indigenous or local and alien or foreign values portray a unique picture where some values are common among all yet each one of them differ in various ways.

Culture is usually described with the word "shared" as many researchers asserted that a culture is developed from a set of shared experiences, understandings, and perceptions among members of a group, an organisation, a community, or a nation. Language is always viewed as a crucial characteristic among all the cultural features that make up cultural identity explained by quotation of Geert Hofstede, “I would say that understanding of other languages is almost a necessary, albeit insufficient, condition for the understanding of the phenomenon of culture. Different languages affect communication between employees in the workplaces i.e. language differences frequently result in miscommunication. Good communication reduces emotional stress (Gerhart 2005, 971).

Importance of cultural differences and national business systems on the development of HRM

Managing diversity strategies may include providing programs to increase awareness, for example, for cultural diversity, trying to improve positive attitudes toward groups differences, understanding the view points and relations among different groups, being flexible in communication, and freely expressing concerns, confusions and frustration ...
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